antonio foster

From basilio's blog today:

I have to tell you the guy who shared this with me on the condition on anonymity is inside the program and at meetings and is blown away by all of this. He can’t believe the head coach sat back and didn’t try something on Saturday at Auburn. He’s scared for his job but more than that conveyed to me when I approached him in disbelief on this story. This program is in complete disarray. A complete mess. Donors sniping @ donors. Coaches @ coaches. Players @ players. Players @ Coaches. Committ’s like Antonio Foster from Georgia looking @ other schools. I feel badly for Clawson after hearing this and thought I’d share this with you. I don’t believe we’re winning the rest of them, how ‘bout you?

The Edge on
These guys are getting calls from all of their #2 schools. If they go then good riddance. Things will change for the better here.
I don't want any player every again with a last name of FOSTER...........................too many problems........haha
Just shows me that they really dont love the school. I want guys that say I am all VOL no matter what. This is one of the things that has impressed me with Tajh Boyd. I am super excited at his possibility. I think we will keep our big guys of Boyd, Oku, and wilkes
Foster wasn't a big name, clears up room for another 4/5 star o-linemen
I think the big time players we have in this class recognize this is a big time program with a chance to play in the National spotlight in one of the best venues in the country, for one of the best programs in the SEC. The smart ones will stay at least long enough to see who the next HFC is going to be before making a decision. If I were a recruit and bailed and then UT signs a very hot coach, I would kick myself forever!
We have a "fail dozer", but the past few days I have come to realize that we need a "merge machine".
Aburey Phillips is swaying. Honestly I think Phillips is gone also. I thought Fosters video looked real good and he had a good chance of playing. Valdosta's program is top notch and was well coached in high school. I dont know why he would go to the ACC though. Maybe he is scared of playing against the best competition
Yeah, i dont like his last name too haha
we have higher rated OL on our board anywayz

We may be in the mix for more highly ranked OL, but let's not fool ourselves, Foster was the best OL we had a commitment from this year. As bad as our OL looks on the field this year we really need all the quality big guys we can get. I hate to see him go, but I hope we can get some more quality commits.

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