Any and All Questions about A&M

That does sound awesome about your pregame. I know A&M is trying to get our pregame entrance going but it's relatively new with them trying to make in interesting. So it will get better. Sounds nothing like ya'lls though. I would love to see that sometime.

It's unreal... I think I'd enjoy spending a night at the midnight yell. I read about A&M's traditions in that TSN book I was talking about... that sounds like it would really bring a similar feeling to what pregame does for me. Those yell leaders (don't they have a special name?) really seem to bring the game to them... even the night before.
Naw they are simply known as the Yell Leaders. Midnight Yell is really a cool thing to go too if your ever in town. We will have a midnight yell New Years Eve somewhere in Dallas. If you happen to walk up on it feel free to watch just don't be idiotic and start talking crap cause then it might be not such a fun night. ;)

:lolup: :eek:lol: :dlol:

Only an idiot would talk trash to those Yell Leaders. Those guys could put someone's butt in a sling in a hurry.
Them and the rest of the corp of cadets if anyone ever tried to mess with them!!!

Thanks Volstorm for that link. I will say that of any Football field I have ever seen on TV ya'lls field is by far the best looking. I have always loved that checkerboard endzone. There is something about it that just makes it so unique to anything else. I worked for the Texas A&M Field staff here at A&M for a summer and I know from experience at how long it would take to make that field look the way it does because I helped do it here at A&M for our home games.

Will your band be at the game and will they perform? I'm sure they will, and I will be looking forward to hearing that old "Rocky Top". I have heard it on TV quite a bit and it will be cool to hear it live by your band.

Yeah, the Pride will be there. (Pride for sort... called The Pride of the Southland) ... I thought they had gotten to do pregame in the Peach Bowl a couple of years ago, minus the running through the T. Maybe you'll get to see that. Either way, they'll probably do circle drill for halftime... another Tennessee Tradition. That's always good.

Not being a Vol, you'll probably be tired of Rocky Top by the end of the game, but I'm glad you're so excited about it! ;)
I live in Birmingham AL and am surrounded by people that while seemingly rational, lose their minds when it comes to college football. Currently, UT is the most hated, reviled, entity of evil that has ever existed; except for your coach Fran.

If for nothing else, I'm glad our two teams are playing just to create a second great moral dilemma for Bama fans.

1) Pull for hated Auburn over hated UT and

2) Pull for hated Coach Fran over hated UT.

Bammer heads will be exploding regulary between now and Jan 1 :p

Go Vols
Originally posted by GibbyAG03@Dec 6, 2004 7:53 PM

Will your band be at the game and will they perform?  I'm sure they will, and I will be looking forward to hearing that old "Rocky Top".  I have heard it on TV quite a bit and it will be cool to hear it live by your band.


You will hear it an estimated 40 times :p

I'm not saying that because of the score or as trash talk, that's the typical estimate of times they play Rocky Top. Most of our opponents have heard it enough after 1 time ;)

This really is not a flame but will sound like it.

How has UT owned A&M so darn much in the past and present? Isn't the UT/A&M rivalry like 60 something to 20 something?
The overall record I think is like 74-32-1 or something of that nature. The best way to explain is is to say that t.u. got like 50% of their wins before we went away from being a military school. We basically had the same problem as navy and army and all them in that football was not a priorotiy in the early 1900's. Over the last 30 years or so it has evened out, for every run of 5 they have right now we have had a run of 9/10 and 6 in a row another time. So yeah it looks bad but alot of those wins came early from 1890's-1940's or so.

Looked it up

71-34-5 - Texas

Interesting note:

From 1940-1966, Texas lost 2 damn games to A&M :blink:
Well my years were off but you see what I mean. A&M didn't become a non military school until somewhere late in that time period. Hard to compete against a school like t.u. when they were playing real football. Also, somewhere in that time period t.u. began to bring in the black athletes and integrate before A&M and many other schools. If you go back and look in history the teams that did that before others were usually the better teams. Hopefully this explains a little bit for you.

According to my records the series record is 34-72-5, including this year.
t.u. won 16 out of the first 17 games.
From 1940-1974 Texas just lost three times, tying once. Two of the winning Aggie coaches were Bear Bryant(1956) and Gene Stallings(1967).
From 1984-1994 A&M lead 10-1.
Since then Texas is 8-2.

A&M dropped the Corp of Cadet requirement and began allowing women in the mid-60's. My father is Class of '64, he graduated from the A. and M. College of Texas. My mother is Class of '69 and was among the first women to graduate from Texas A&M University, which had a new name, also notice the A and M no longer are abreviations.

Other useless fact, The A. & M. College of Texas was formed in 1876, t.u. in 1883(both much younger than the real U.T).
Thanks 12thman for putting that out there. I was really honestly lost on that question but I tried as hard as I could. ;)

GibbyAG03, no problem, I happened to have the 2003 Texas A&M Media Guide handy, neglected to buy this years...

Anyway, about the teams' entrance into Kyle Field; I was just fine with no major entrance, we don't need one, we have enough other great traditions. If Fran or whoever the powers that be must have a more elaborate entrance, they need to come up with something close to what was used before in years past. One thing that really ticks my dad off is the new pre-game "spirit walk" (uncapitalized on my part for a reason). We don't need any high school or typical college type features on game day, that is what sets us apart...

Anyway, more useless trivia; I did a search on the internet and found out that there are a number of schools that have "yell leaders", but they are that in name only, as they are simply male chearleaders, and the females are called "song leaders". Our Yell Leaders do not cheer, and they do not lead cheers, they lead yells, and people actually pay attention to them, lol.
Originally posted by GibbyAG03@Dec 6, 2004 7:33 PM
What would you guys say is your Biggest and Best Tradition there at UT.

Also, since we both have dogs as mascots, how did 'Ol Smokey come about.

In case some people didn't follow the link, here's the story behind smokey...

After a student poll sponsored by the Pep Club revealed a desire to select a live mascot for the University, the Pep Club held a contest in 1953 to select a coonhound, a native breed of the state, as the mascot to represent the school. Announcements of the contest in local newspapers read, “This can’t be an ordinary hound. He must be a ‘Houn’ Dog’ in the best sense of the word.”

The late Rev. Bill Brooks entered his prize-winning blue tick coon hound, “Brooks’ Blue Smokey,” in the contest. At halftime of the Mississippi State game that season, the dogs were lined up on the old cheerleaders’ ramp at Shields-Watkins Field. Each dog was introduced over the loudspeaker and the student body cheered for their favorite, with “Blue Smokey” being the last hound introduced. When his name was called, he barked. The students cheered and Smokey threw his head back and barked again. This kept going until the stadium was in an uproar and UT had found its mascot. Rev. Brooks supplied UT with the line of canines until his death in 1986 when his wife, Mildred, took over the caretaking role. She did so until 1994, when her brother and sister-in-law, Earl and Martha Hudson of Knoxville, took over responsibility for Smokey VII and eventually Smokey VIII, with Smokey IX now carrying on the banner of the Smokey lineage. Mrs. Brooks died in July 1997.

One of the most beloved figures in the state, Smokey is famous for leading the Vols out of the giant “T” prior to each home game. The dogs have led exciting lives. Smokey II was dognapped by Kentucky students in 1955 and later survived a confrontation with the Baylor Bear at the 1957 Sugar Bowl. Smokey VI, who suffered heat exhaustion in the 140-degree temperatures at the 1991 UCLA game, was listed on the Vols injury report until he returned later in the season. Smokey III compiled a 105-39-5 record and two SEC championships. Smokey VI, who passed away in 1991, was on the sidelines for three SEC championships. Smokey VIII is the winningest Smokey, having compiled a record of 91-22 (.805), with two SEC titles and the 1998 national championship. The newest Smokey, Smokey IX (left), was at his post at the 2004 Peach Bowl and will be on the sidelines for the season opener against UNLV Sept. 5.

aggies work hard and the play even harder!!
Originally posted by 12thMan@Dec 7, 2004 3:13 AM
GibbyAG03, no problem, I happened to have the 2003 Texas A&M Media Guide handy, neglected to buy this years...

Anyway, about the teams' entrance into Kyle Field; I was just fine with no major entrance, we don't need one, we have enough other great traditions. If Fran or whoever the powers that be must have a more elaborate entrance, they need to come up with something close to what was used before in years past. One thing that really ticks my dad off is the new pre-game "spirit walk" (uncapitalized on my part for a reason). We don't need any high school or typical college type features on game day, that is what sets us apart...

Anyway, more useless trivia; I did a search on the internet and found out that there are a number of schools that have "yell leaders", but they are that in name only, as they are simply male chearleaders, and the females are called "song leaders". Our Yell Leaders do not cheer, and they do not lead cheers, they lead yells, and people actually pay attention to them, lol.

I personally think hearing the drumline right before the team opens the door gives me chills every time. It's pretty cool. The spirt walk pretty much blows right now. And when they play that 12th man clip before the game when everyone is the "12th man" it makes my nipples hard. :eek: Any ags have a link to that clip?
Originally posted by superaggie79@Dec 7, 2004 12:37 PM
I personally think hearing the drumline right before the team opens the door gives me chills every time. It's pretty cool. The spirt walk pretty much blows right now. And when they play that 12th man clip before the game when everyone is the "12th man" it makes my nipples hard. :eek: Any ags have a link to that clip?

I must admit, I went to three or four games this year but missed the Spirit of Aggieland for every one of them, always got there at the last minute. I saw the entrance a time or two and didn't think too much of it, but if they are doing some cool stuff I'd like to see it too.

Well, I guess so. The 12th Man stand ready to volunteer for the football team, and Aggies have been great volunteers for our country. Nice point.

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