Good grief, can you even imagine how many checks Bob would have to make after that play?lol:
Yes I can, but my point is that he wouldn't have to because his call would've been so vanilla. All we'd hear is "pass complete....cheggarboards!!" We'd wondering what the hell happened, who caught the pass and we wouldn't know til Tim piped up and described it after the fact.
How cool was it for JW to plan to retire and announce it before the season, and then have it be TN's best season in decades and culminate in an unbeaten national championship . . . Couldn't script a better ending to a career than to call the national title game victory as your final game.
How cool was it for JW to plan to retire and announce it before the season, and then have it be TN's best season in decades and culminate in an unbeaten national championship . . . Couldn't script a better ending to a career than to call the national title game victory as your final game.
How cool was it for JW to plan to retire and announce it before the season, and then have it be TN's best season in decades and culminate in an unbeaten national championship . . . Couldn't script a better ending to a career than to call the national title game victory as your final game.
You could here the passion in John's voice. To me, Bob sounds like a non-biased play by play announcer calling a game for ESPN. You're the voice of the Vols Bob, I wish you would sound like you're pumped to be doing what you do
Listening to him call the final moments of the Fiesta Bowl will be a memory I will have til I die. Also, i respect a man who makes such a decision and sticks with it. ..... Unlike that idiot Keith Jackson.