Anyone miss John Ward?


One Man Gang, who does the Maxim write-ups after each game, wrote a story years ago about being in the broadcast booth during the game and how crazy it is with everything going on. There probably isn't anyone on here that could call 1 play without screwing it up. I get it, that's his job but he isn't bad at it...he just came after a legend.

Bob following Ward has zero to do with him sucking. Ward has been gone long enough that there's an established fan base that never listened to Ward that will agree that Bob sucks.
I tried to listen to Bob's commentary for the first three years. I couldn't take it. When listening to him, I have no idea what is happening on the field. I'm not particularly looking for a home, just someone that knows what is happening, knows the players names and if there's a questionable call, take a stand on it. You saw it, tell it like it is.
If you answer anything that does not contain the essence of "yes", don't EVEN consider yourself to be an Orange & White-bleedin' Tennessee Vols fan.

In fact, don't let me find you on the street; it WON'T be pretty.

Now that we got that settled, my answer is: "(BLEEP) YEAH!!!"
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I found myself watching some old highlights of UT games and was thinking about how much more exciting John Ward made the games while listening to the radio broadcast. I'm not really taking shots at Bob Kesling, but he doesn't seem to convey that same intensity/passion that Ward did. Any thoughts?

Not only was John Ward the best broadcaster in Tn history he was the best nationally.
YES, YES, YES a thousand times YES. Heck I remember like some of the very old timers on here when there was only 3 TV channels so you had to listen on an old AM band radio you dialed in as best you could to the frequency of the station if you wanted to keep up with the game. There were not 300 channels to choose from like now. Then I would listen to JW describe the plays and you could visualize them in your head. "He's at the 50.... he's at the 40.... he's at the 30...... he's at the 20...... he's at the 10...... he's at the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....GIVE HIM SIX!!!! TOUCHDOWN TENNESSEE!!!!." You could see that play in your head, and even typing that out I could still hear his voice. Hell yeah I miss John Ward on the radio.

Hey, that was not THAT long ago! :rtfm:

Well OK, I guess it was. :)

His sister ran the nursery in our church. I'm pretty sure that she didn't reach 5 feet tall, and he wasn't much bigger.

I used to get crazy when Husband #1 would have the TV on with the sound off and the radio on, because of the time lag, but no one has come close to providing that game day excitement.

Hope he's doing well, and many thanks for the memories. :hi:
jeez yall are super salty about kesling. you should hear what other schools have calling their games.
Someone may know more about this, but I believe Kesling is not employed by UT. Instead he bid on the broadcast rights for UT broadcasts and won, thus he picks the broadcaster. I think this happened right after Ward retired. I am sure someone on here knows more about this and I could be wrong.

My point in bringing this up is, if true - only Kesling can fire Kesling.
Hey, that was not THAT long ago! :rtfm:

Well OK, I guess it was. :)

His sister ran the nursery in our church. I'm pretty sure that she didn't reach 5 feet tall, and he wasn't much bigger.

I used to get crazy when Husband #1 would have the TV on with the sound off and the radio on, because of the time lag, but no one has come close to providing that game day excitement.

Hope he's doing well, and many thanks for the memories. :hi:

Indeed! May the Heavens shine down good fortune on you John Ward, thank too Bill Anderson
YES, YES, YES a thousand times YES. Heck I remember like some of the very old timers on here when there was only 3 TV channels so you had to listen on an old AM band radio you dialed in as best you could to the frequency of the station if you wanted to keep up with the game. There were not 300 channels to choose from like now. Then I would listen to JW describe the plays and you could visualize them in your head. "He's at the 50.... he's at the 40.... he's at the 30...... he's at the 20...... he's at the 10...... he's at the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....GIVE HIM SIX!!!! TOUCHDOWN TENNESSEE!!!!." You could see that play in your head, and even typing that out I could still hear his voice. Hell yeah I miss John Ward on the radio.
^This and really wasn't that long ago...we don't know the good ol days until they're gone.
We would miss John Ward no matter who was broadcasting for us. He called a game like none other.

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