Anyone Watching Hannity and Colmes?

(therealUT @ Aug 11 said:
In two generations, Bush will most likely be fondly remembered, much as Reagan is today.


Oh, you're serious.
(therealUT @ Aug 11 said:
You voted for Bush, yet, save for the Iraq war, has done nothing that he did not campaign on in 2000. So, basically, since the war in Iraq has lasted 3 years and 4 months, at the terribly high cost of 2,500 soldiers, you are now anti-Bush? I also believe that history will revere Bush at a much higher rate than he is revered presently.

Aside from the War in Iraq, name something that the Bush administration has done that has caught you off guard (in other words, where have they strayed from their initial campaign promises to America.)

1. Illegal Immigration
2. Social Security
3. Energy policy
4. National Debt
5. Health Care

Those are my top 5
And nowhere in his campaign did he talk about combating the largest threat to society today... The gays.

Did someone......
Okay USAF, now your obsession with those smilies is just getting downright scary.
1. Illegal Immigration
2. Social Security
3. Energy policy
4. National Debt
5. Health Care

Those are my top 5

1. He has done nothing with regard to illegal immigration. He just played his part in that dog and pony show until the media circus went away.
2. Again, he has done nothing with social security, unfortunately. God forbid Americans are actually given control and responsibility over their own money...That sounds a little too much like capitalism to fly these days.
3. Did Bush run on alternative energy policy in 2000? 2004? Nope. He has made public mention of it being a priority once...his 2006 State of the Union Address.
4. Concerning the National Debt, GWB has always believed in using leverage to grow the GDP. Our GDP has grown by leaps and bounds under GWB. The National Debt has grown retardedly compared to the GDP over Bush's terms.
5. Bush campaigned on expanding the Medicare and Medicaid package. He did that.

Just because Bush has done things that you do not like nor agree with does not mean that he has done things he did not campaign to do.
We will see. I hopefully can't wait for 10 years down the road when most of the world will actually see the progress Iraq has made in the last 2 years.

no way it was worth the cost. imagine what those bilions upon billions of dollars would have done for this country if they would have been spent here instead?? we could have built plants to run the country off of ethanol for that money.

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