1. He has done nothing with regard to illegal immigration. He just played his part in that dog and pony show until the media circus went away.
2. Again, he has done nothing with social security, unfortunately. God forbid Americans are actually given control and responsibility over their own money...That sounds a little too much like capitalism to fly these days.
3. Did Bush run on alternative energy policy in 2000? 2004? Nope. He has made public mention of it being a priority once...his 2006 State of the Union Address.
4. Concerning the National Debt, GWB has always believed in using leverage to grow the GDP. Our GDP has grown by leaps and bounds under GWB. The National Debt has grown retardedly compared to the GDP over Bush's terms.
5. Bush campaigned on expanding the Medicare and Medicaid package. He did that.
Just because Bush has done things that you do not like nor agree with does not mean that he has done things he did not campaign to do.
In the debates with Kerry he specifically mentioned he planned to address each of those issues. The republicans have had control of the house and senate for the last 8 years. what have they done to address or change any of that?? most of the issues are becoming crisis levels. last election i voted for the republicans in every single race, but i am so disgusted right now with their lack of action when they have control that I am ready for a different party. the last 4 years things have not been addressed.