AP win great but I'm not sold until an SEC win

It is, but we should have seen a little more push up front. This causes concern for next year's unit when we lose most of the best offensive line the SEC this year. Something that Butch can only address with a few recruiting cycles.

Have you not heard that our O-Line will be completely ineffective against WKU and we shouldn't even play them because of Ghost Rider?

Sarcasm is within this post for those who can't detect it.
Have you not heard that our O-Line will be completely ineffective against WKU and we shouldn't even play them because of Ghost Rider?

Sarcasm is within this post for those who can't detect it.

You'll have to clue me in on the "Ghost Rider" reference.
We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

Hey you Bayou redneck stfu.
Watching the game, do you really think butch was calling plays to score or just calling plays to get that "invaluable" as he called it, playing experience. If butch wanted them to, he could have pulled some more plays and probably hung some more points on them.

Also consider this, in a real game scenario, we will not have 11 2s out on the field. Maybe 1-3. The remaining 8-10 of the 1s can do a lot to cover the inexperience of the 2 and let's not get started on how many 3s we will see in real game action.

Correct. If Butch had chosen to leave the first team in until the end of the third quarter, I am thoroughly convinced that we would have led 56-0 or 63-0. Instead, Butch exercised the rare option of giving his entire second team a full half of game reps. 'tis another aspect of player development.
Look I'm sorry y'all I'm just as much a fan as you are all I'm saying is as great as we were and all the amazing energy we had at that game I just hated to waste it on AP I would have loved to beat Florida

Oh yea do you have a verse of Rocky Top tatted on your side like some us. J/k
We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

Anyone who is sold after beating up on quite possibly the worst team to ever play in Neyland, is well naive or just plain stupid.
All I can tell the poster is that Tennessee football has always been a work in progress and we will see where we go. We may loose to USCjr and beat Georgia then drill Alabama. Work in progress. Always to the top! Go Big Orange! :hi:
The fact our second team offense couldn't generate a touchdown is pretty alarming. Not to mention all the walk-ons and freshmen that will be forced to play this year due to our lack of depth. The Vols will be limping their way into November at 3 and 5.

It was second and third team and the fact that the second and third team defenses didn't allow any points is awesome. Some of you need to relax, this could have been an 80-0 blowout with no problem.
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We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.
Perhaps you should contact the UTAD and let them know that you'll be in charge of making the schedule from now on.
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We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

We'll play the big boys when we're scheduled to play the big boys.

We played AP to start the season because they were the first team on our 2013 schedule.

Now, what EXACTLY the hell has tangled your frilly panties?
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I'm sold on what I saw in the game. Discipline and execution and players that actually looked happy to be on the field. Yes, it was "only" Austin Peay but it was only Kentucky two years ago. The AP game was an effective if conservative piece of work by the team.

This is not a top 10 or even top 20 team IMO. I have no illusions this team is going to win the SEC East. But at this point I trust Butch Jones more than I ever trusted Dooley to return this program to its rightful place among the elite. The decline didn't happen in one season so the revival may not happen in one or even two. Believe in Butch and go Vols.
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Anyone who is sold after beating up on quite possibly the worst team to ever play in Neyland, is well naive or just plain stupid.

I was sold after the first press conference after he was hired. And the energy he recruits with sold me even more. If he wins 5 this year, I'll be disappointed, but still sold. Year 3 is when I can potentially start being 'unsold' (but that's not going to happen).
We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

Wow. Interesting viewpoint. Sounds almost word for word what the coach said.
This team wasn't ready to play Florida this week. In our situation, it is best to get at least a practice game in first.... I don't like the idea of setting ourselves up for failure right off the bat.
In all my born days, I've never ever seen a game with no penalties & that is an outstanding job done by this football team. :clapping:

It is a nice stat but there was no need for penalties. I am not sure such a pitiful opponent for the first game was good or not. We learned nothing about our team.
We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

:snoring: tired post! Who gives a ****e what you think?
We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

"Listen, John-I'm real happy about Brown, but I want to talk to you about Gilroy."
It's been a LONG time since I have seen a Vols team that was actually excited about playing a game. Granted it was AP, but it makes me excited to be a fan again. GO VOLS!!!!
We start off like this we beat a nobody team until we play an SEC team and we lose. I want to start the season off with a Florida or LSU or Georgia win not this crap. We don't know how good we are until then and anyone who says otherwise needs to cancel there volnation account. Just saying.

Urine idiot.
You'll have to clue me in on the "Ghost Rider" reference.

Originally Posted by DaphneVol:
VN, what is going on? We're 24 hours into the season and just picked up our 800th win and first under the much anticipated Butch Jones era. Hell, we haven't played football in 8 months! There is a lot of excitement around the program right now. Why do we have to find every cotton pickin' thing to b*tch about?

*The PA Announcer can't pronounce the player's names?
*Sprinting between quarters will wear us out?
*ESPN doesn't see us going to a bowl? Vegas hates us?
*CBJ show only shows highlights and not the whole game?
*WKU is now a top ten team since they hired ghost rider?
*Worley is not our answer? Put in the freshman?
*Neal didn't get north quick enough?

I just don't get it. Can we tip the VN meter back towards the positive side? I saw the most disciplined team UT's had in years, a quarterback with poise, a defense that swarmed to the ball, and a passion and intensity level that we've yearned for. Come on guys, Bring on WKU!

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