Archbishop Desmond Tutu, anti apartheid activist, dead



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
We lost a bright light and a great teacher with the death of Desmond Tutu.

“Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are other than they are. It is not about patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye to the wrong. True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the hurt, the truth. It could even sometimes make things worse. It is a risky undertaking but in the end it is worthwhile, because in the end only an honest confrontation with reality can bring real healing. Superficial reconciliation can bring only superficial healing.”

-Desmond Tutu
We lost a bright light and a great teacher with the death of Desmond Tutu.

“Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are other than they are. It is not about patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye to the wrong. True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the hurt, the truth. It could even sometimes make things worse. It is a risky undertaking but in the end it is worthwhile, because in the end only an honest confrontation with reality can bring real healing. Superficial reconciliation can bring only superficial healing.”

-Desmond Tutu
Yes, he was a great soul doing a great work. It is terrible that South Africa, which started out with such high hopes, has basically devolved into the disaster it has become.
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Maybe if rampant colonialism hadn't resulted in the armed subjugation of the indigenous population and policies designed to prevent their advancement, there wouldn't have been so much struggle. 🤔
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Maybe if rampant colonialism hadn't resulted in the armed subjugation of the indigenous population and policies designed to prevent their advancement, there wouldn't have been so much struggle. 🤔

Maybe if rampant colonialism hadn't resulted in the armed subjugation of the indigenous population and policies designed to prevent their advancement, there wouldn't have been so much struggle. 🤔
Yep, I say let the indigenous population take the country back over from the whites.
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Tutu neither improved nor worsened my existence.

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Working out well isn't it? The entire continent is nothing but failed countries full of corruption.

How many billions or trillions thrown at that continent? Full of so much potential, just like the Lebanons of the world, yet the radicals blow it up
How many billions or trillions thrown at that continent? Full of so much potential, just like the Lebanons of the world, yet the radicals blow it up
What keeps US Business from moving “cheap plastic” production from China to Africa?
Maybe if rampant colonialism hadn't resulted in the armed subjugation of the indigenous population and policies designed to prevent their advancement, there wouldn't have been so much struggle. 🤔
There's plenty of places in Africa where colonialism, or white people haven't had an effect, yet they're not advanced. What do you blame that on? Just like America is the only place where slavery was defeated, thankfully, while it runs wild in places like Africa, yet everyone wants to focus on nothing but what happened here years ago? If you're really for all people being free, then why do6one single one of you sjws try to do anything about the slavery actually happening today? I'm sincerely asking, nobody will answer this.
What keeps US Business from moving “cheap plastic” production from China to Africa?
Zero infrastructure, and it would be pointless for manufacturers themselves to try to build it. The Chinese do it because they're willing to bribe, cheat, steal to get things done. Americans are not.
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There's plenty of places in Africa where colonialism, or white people haven't had an effect, yet they're not advanced. What do you blame that on? Just like America is the only place where slavery was defeated, thankfully, while it runs wild in places like Africa, yet everyone wants to focus on nothing but what happened here years ago? If you're really for all people being free, then why do6one single one of you sjws try to do anything about the slavery actually happening today? I'm sincerely asking, nobody will answer this.


Not an SJW. Simply relating historical context.

If and when specific cultures want American assistance to rectify long standing cultural issues, we'll be ready to listen.
Zero infrastructure, and it would be pointless for manufacturers themselves to try to build it. The Chinese do it because they're willing to bribe, cheat, steal to get things done. Americans are not.
They have roads. They have ports.

What more do you need to take cheap plastic from plant to boat?

Not an SJW. Simply relating historical context.

If and when specific cultures want American assistance to rectify long standing cultural issues, we'll be ready to listen.
What long standing cultural issues are Africa facing?
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Not an SJW. Simply relating historical context.

If and when specific cultures want American assistance to rectify long standing cultural issues, we'll be ready to listen.
So you're okay with slavery?

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