Are Asian Americans “White Adjacent”?



I prefer the tumult of Liberty
Jan 17, 2010
I had not heard this term - “White Adjacent”

Asian Americans have long thrown a wrench in Identity Politics. They completely upend the narrative. Is this the new method to discount them and separate them out from under the ubiquitous “POC” umbrella?

The idea of "white adjacency" hinges on the overwhelming success of Asian Americans in this country. It emerges from the fact that Asian Americans have the highest per-capita income, lowest per-capita crime rates and highest rates of college education. In fact, Asian Americans score better on average than whites on all of these metrics.

Critical race theory has no idea what to do with Asian Americans | Opinion

What say you?
Are Asian Americans “too white” to be considered a real minority, or are they just White-ish?
Dang. Throwing the Asians under the bus now. With all their working hard and giving effort.

People from India must be white adjacent also.

Nah…. They’re too brown. I imagine Han Chinese is what they envision when contemplating white adjacency.
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The term Caucasian includes Asians. Could be the basis of such an argument. But the biggest thing for the left is “Asians are successful, therefore white, and white is bad”
The term Caucasian includes Asians. Could be the basis of such an argument. But the biggest thing for the left is “Asians are successful, therefore white, and white is bad”
What is it to be White?

Is to be successful to be White? Seems like what they are saying with Asian Americans.
What is it to be White?

Is to be successful to be White? Seems like what they are saying with Asian Americans.

If you’re on the left, “white” is just anyone you don’t like. I’m sure plenty would tell you how white Clarence Thomas is.

And yes, for many they believe success is a sign of whiteness. As crazy as that is. They believe if you’re successful in a mostly white culture, it’s because you’ve adopted white culture. Even though Asians are far more successful than whites
The most interesting thing about this to me is that the left sees good and bad in terms of race. Meanwhile the right sees good and bad in terms of culture.

If you’re successful or even worse republicans, you’re bad and therefore white because they view white as a negative

On the right it seems we are judging people (Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, etc) based off shared values/beliefs (culture).

Yet according to most, it’s the right who are racist.
I had not heard this term - “White Adjacent”

Asian Americans have long thrown a wrench in Identity Politics. They completely upend the narrative. Is this the new method to discount them and separate them out from under the ubiquitous “POC” umbrella?

Critical race theory has no idea what to do with Asian Americans | Opinion

What say you?
Are Asian Americans “too white” to be considered a real minority, or are they just White-ish?
If successful results dictates Asians are white-adjacent (ridiculous racist term, btw) then Nigerians are also white adjacent.
Unfortunately, and I apologize preemptively, the term must also mean white failures are black-adjacent.

I dont think the coiners of the term thought things through. It isn't wise to permanently associate ethnicity with ends of the socioeconomic spectrum.
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If successful results dictates Asians are white-adjacent (ridiculous racist term, btw) then Nigerians are also white adjacent.
Unfortunately, and I apologize preemptively, the term must also mean white failures are black-adjacent.

I dont think the coiners of the term thought things through. It isn't wise to associate permanently ethnicity with ends of the socioeconomic spectrum.

It would also seem that given Asians superiority to whites in terms of financial success you'd need a term that puts them above whites rather than beside of (adjacent to) whites.

Asians are hyper-white?
I had not heard this term - “White Adjacent”

Asian Americans have long thrown a wrench in Identity Politics. They completely upend the narrative. Is this the new method to discount them and separate them out from under the ubiquitous “POC” umbrella?

Critical race theory has no idea what to do with Asian Americans | Opinion

What say you?
Are Asian Americans “too white” to be considered a real minority, or are they just White-ish?

This is vandy mains party. They continue to define people and ethnicities. It's easier to control them. The labeling is purposeful to continue to divide the country. Yet Maga is the issue..
Who TF comes up with these terms?
Robin DiAngelo

However, with the emergence of several racial groups that have come to be just as successful as whites, critical race theorists have come up with the term, "white adjacency." Robin DiAngelo, author of the now-infamous book White Fragility, defines it this way: "The closer you are to whiteness—the term often used is white-adjacent—you're still going to experience racism, but there are going to be some benefits due to your perceived proximity to whiteness.
Robin DeAngelo

However, with the emergence of several racial groups that have come to be just as successful as whites, critical race theorists have come up with the term, "white adjacency." Robin DiAngelo, author of the now-infamous book White Fragility, defines it this way: "The closer you are to whiteness—the term often used is white-adjacent—you're still going to experience racism, but there are going to be some benefits due to your perceived proximity to whiteness.
That is the absurd thing of the day, I suppose.

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