Are Asian Americans “White Adjacent”?

What if the PR benefit makes them the best person for the job? [head esplodes]

I could actually see that for example if an American company hires a native born Chinese person because they are trying to make a deal with a Chinese company. I see what you are saying here, but that's not really where I was going with this discussion.
What was that streaming service that was only designed for phone consumption? They poured like $1b of funding into that thing and it was dead in weeks. A bunch of white-haired businessmen making crazy decisions based on the understanding that "young people love their phones"
That’s exactly where a lack of viewpoints can bite you in the ass
Anybody with a modicum of common sense is so tired of identity politics, the powers that be using any perceived difference in the populace to try and pit us against eachother...merely as a distraction while they enrich themselves from the exorbitant taxes taken from the half of society that actually works for a living before we even get our paychecks.

Ever larger government votes for ever more expensive programs vaguely and deceptively laid out in thousand page, pork filled proposals that nobody even bothers to read before voting to pass them....burying us and future generations under an ever increasing mountain of debt.

Race isnt the issue that wrecks this country, or stacks the deck against any 1 American from birth. Poverty is. The single worst problem a person can be born into is poverty, an affliction that never discriminates based on skin tone. Even this problem is not insurmountable....but it is much harder to overcome than others. Not because a man cannot go and get a job and work hard to improve his station...that opportunity still exists for us all. Rather because in many, if not most, cases the opportunities that bring a chance to earn REAL wealth...rather to get RICH and enter the class of citizen that lives largely above the law, and certainly above the struggle and any worry of not having enough of this or that...those opportunities seem to be decided far more often not by WHAT a man knows, but rather by WHO he knows and has connections with.

The recession we are currently in, just like the last one in 2008, will further widen the huge chasm between the " haves " and "have nots". They always do. This is by design, not some accident that just happens to further enrich the investment class who have never punched a time clock in their lives...because they were born rich and will die even richer. My 2 black sisters have exactly as much chance as i do to break into this political class..which is to say none. Not doctors with new Porsches, but the men who own hospitals which the government must approve for you to build. What color a persons skin is has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a person is part of this class. They are born into it. The liberals can keep making up these nonsense terms for genders that do not exist, for "theories of race" , for whatever identity based politics are the buzzword this week. Its all complete bullsheit...anyone who is paying attention with an IQ above room temperature can easily see this. It is the political equivalent of " look!!! A squirrel!!" They can put it in the garbage where it belongs with the rest of their half brained ideas.
Well said, sir.
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There is no institutional racism. You love the phrase “war on drugs”. It’s like saying the “war on murder” or the “war on domestic violence”. Your asinine excuse is because it affects some people more or laws won’t make it go away then we should just do away with it. So stupid.
Unfortunately there is institutional racism. However the democrats are the ones pushing it.
BTW, this thread started out on the wrong foot. You guys are roasting a concept that you don't seem to fully understand. Being "too white" or successful isn't what makes someone/some group white adjacent. It's benefiting from upholding the power structure that exists. So a black cop in Baltimore who is getting ahead in his career by violating minority rights would be considered white adjacent.

It's hard to find who is actually calling Asian Americans white adjacent as a group. I googled a few queries and came up with OP's article and little else, and that article is short on those details.

Cops, black, white, or purple, violate the rights of many Americans, not just minorities. I think you used a bad example.
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How do the Dems push institutional racism in your opinion?
By creating institutions that are solely devoted to race, and allowing institutions to award certain races. For example, universities with different homecoming kings/queens based on races, and having separate graduation ceremonies based on race. Promoting "diversity" while hiring someone solely based on race, setting quotas for how many minorities have to be hired.... etc, etc.
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Hiring over-qualified people is not a great strategy. I'll take someone who is competent enough and pleased to have the job over somebody who is much more competent but also more likely to leave soon or be a dissatisfied bad apple.

Also, we're just judging who people are on paper and in an interview. Anybody who makes a lot of hires knows there is a big element of luck, so introducing diversity measures to the process might not even be noticed in the results.
Good point, I should have said 'best possible staff'. You're right about overqualified applicants; I passed on those as well. We got qualified ones instead.
My hires generally turned out quite well. Unless HR makes it so and unless no good candidates apply, it should not be difficult to select good staff.
I have weighed diversity on occasion to alleviate holiday staff shortages, but ability to do the job was the core criteria for any hire. A token may be useful for PR but an incompetent one can do great damage.
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The only institutional racism which exists that i know of are affirmative action, and college admissions not letting in asians and indians who are more qualified than their competitors based solely on their race. Thats it. I have had absolutely no advantages in life over my 2 black sisters...and unlike them, as a white man i am openly demonized by the media just because i was born white and with a penis.

There is no such thing as reverse racism or reversed discrimination....there is simply racism. If a white man is passed over for a scholarship, job, or anything else for a lesser accomplished or qualified alternative based solely on his gender or skin that is blatant racism. My sister who was a straight A student and got a partial scholarship to college is insulted that anyone would think she needs an unfair advantage to succeed or win based solely on her merits and ability.

These delusional and often extremely racist liberals with their self inflicted white guilt and fictional social and gender constructs are just that...delusional. i refuse to be complicit with their mental illness by asking anyone's pronouns, pretending that anatomical science hasnt long ago determined that their are exactly 2 genders and no more, or accepting any blame or shame for racist acts that my family and I have never been a part of. We are not ashamed of our skin regardless of color, we will not help you try to flaunt or normalize your sin or mental illness, we will not vote for or accept socialism or entitlement programs, we will not turn our backs on God or pretend He isn't the Creator of this universe, we will not take a knee or ever disrespect our flag nor the men and women who have sacrificed all so that it still stands tall and proud.

We will not be afraid to speak truth or Truth to delusions, lies, and nonsense. I will not personally be silent while all this race and gender fictional bullcrap is being pushed on us by the liberal media as normal. There is nothing normal about deviant behavior, racism, identity politics, CRT, or hate. What is the old saying? All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Thats close anyway. Those who sit quietly while these liberal morons attempt to make their deviant behavior and racist identity politics mainstream are complicit. This insanity must stop.

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