Are we going to drop out of the UN?

How is that even possible? You just say you're out and you're out, right?

I understand if there are commitments and obligations we have made (quid pro quo), but as far as needing rules in place for an exit, that just seems silly to me. It's like the Civil War with the south seceding, except there is no ****ing way they are going to go to war with us just to keep us in the club.

I had more clarification this morning via 1A on NPR. Basically if we stop paying anything less than our current contribution, we lose our vote and may lose our spot on the Permanent Security Council.

So we just need to stop paying. But I'm sure other countries will try some legal nonsense. Which we can just ignore.
Perhaps not. But I wouldn't be upset at all to drastically reduce the money we send in.

Which would be to basically be kicked out.

I say stop paying and invest that money in the best long range stealth missile system ever imagined. I mean, lazer-armed satellites that will bring Hell without a moment's notice.

We'll stay on the security counsel without having to be in the UN and support their nonsense.
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Which would be to basically be kicked out.

I say stop paying and invest that money in the best long range stealth missile system ever imagined. I mean, lazer-armed satellites that will bring Hell without a moment's notice.

We'll stay on the security counsel without having to be in the UN and support their nonsense.

Why can't we do that with our existing, ridiculously expensive defense budget? Why can't we just cut and save? Why do we feel the need to find new ways to spend money we don't have?
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Why can't we do that with our existing, ridiculously expensive defense budget? Why can't we just cut and save? Why do we feel the need to find new ways to spend money we don't have?

I was making a joke. Sorry I wasn't more explicit.
Link that "liberals" say we "should be adopting everything that comes out of the UN"?

Like I said, you can find individual things you like or don't like. Some we might even agree on.

That is hardly the point. You can't just go around in the world community and jettison every institution that disagrees with you. And let's face it, there is plenty of controversy over Trump's move, even within the US, and even within the GOP or the Dems.

Stay in, stop funding, kick it the **** out of the US (i.e. move to that bastion of neutrality - Switzerland), and charge back rent for as much as we can get. Then, watch it fall apart.
Haley's speech sure hints at it. Or at least that we won't fund it anymore. We fund 22 percent of it now, plus 28 percent of the peacekeeping operations.

Why is this always such a popular target for the neocons? Just because they publicly vote against us, with no teeth to any of it, is no reason to undermine an institution which has often served US interests.

Newsflash, Donny: World leaders won't suck up to you like your lackeys in the Congress.

Are you against moving our embassy? And do you believe the UN should have a say?
Who is our Ambassador?

Would it violate UN protocol to give them two middle fingers at the start?

And last, but not least, would it violate diplomatic decorum to answer each question with "you can kiss an elephant's ass"?

I think we’re supposed to pound a shoe on the table.

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