Are We Turning Into A Team Of Thugs.............

So I guess is WSV had a girlfriend and osme dude stole from her and disrespected her in front of his face, he would fold and be a little bitch and let the dude get away with it.

Heres another scenario. What if the guy that was disrespecting Schaeffer's woman was a huge guy and Schaeffer got his ass whipped? Then would Schaeffer be the good guy only because he got whipped? Schaeffer was taking up for his woman like a MAN. I would never let someone do my girl like that. Yah, I would pick him up and throw him on the ground and make him my bitch.
QB Vol7. Maybe you did not read what coach Fulmer had to say......

Tennessee head coach Phillip Fulmer has suspended both Schaeffer and Smith saying “the two made a bad social decision and were poor representatives of the team.”

So I guess me and coach Fulmer are on the same side of this issue. And the police are on my side as well. That's why they locked up these two thugs and they deserve every bit of the jail time they got coming to them. And any other person who thinks it is OK to assualt another person will be going to jail as well. There are laws in this country and the thugs that want to operate outside the law can go to jail just like Brent. Maybe after you sit in jail a couple of years you will learn to obey the law.
btw..i got into a fight over the summer cuz some guy pushed my girlfriend. he had a broken nose and the cops said i did the right thing and let me go.
Well we are not in a vigilante state. If someone steals something call the police and let them handle it.

Like I said earlier, if you are in physical danger, then yes go ahead and defend yourself.

But you cannot just take the law into your own hands like Brent and Bret. They used poor judgement and now they are suspended from the team indefinately. Do you think they made a good choice ? Fulmer does not and I don't either.
Well, all I got to say is Brent and Bret were in the wrong and coach Fulmer put an end to it in a quick way. We don't need these kind of antics at UT. We are better than that. The real MEN in the program were in bed getting rest at 5:30 am not out at parties until the morning hours. I want to thank players like Erik and Rick for taking care of their bodies and being responsible young men. I thank them for not putting themselves in a position to disgrace the University of Tennessee. Most of all I thank coach Fulmer for letting his players know that thugish behavior will not be tolerated in Knoxville.........period.
Westside what is a thug? please let me know! Also how do you know how other people act? Are you around them 24/7?
West learn something before you pop off at the mouth. Let me repeat so you will understand

Emerson was caught on video tape threatening them with a bat. Smith was not at any time seen on video tape.

as I said before your crap was old on the other board and its just plain stupid now.

Come at me with a bat and see where you end up.

Fulmer is doing what he has to do but mark my words wiest when all is said and done Emerson will be the one in trouble and both Smith and Schaeffer will be back on the team and you will be whining same as usual.

That is you MO anything to whine about!
If this criticism were from a real Vol fan it might have some merit. Westsidevol has been proven on other boards to be a Georgia fan who trolls Vol boards for the purpose of smearing Tennessee football.

As a Georgia fan who lurks for the purpose of deriding the Vols he has no credibility at all.

Coach Fulmer suspended them because it was the appropriate thing to do since it is now a legal matter.

If what is being reported is true then they will be cleared and charges may even be filed against the other party.

All TRUE Vol fans are waiting for the facts and for this to run its course.

Trolls, opponents, and general low-life jump to conclusions and label an 18 year old kid a thug with only a fraction of the facts known.

That's WSV for you.
Old vol you are correct he is a tried and true UGA boy.

Hey West how about your great starting MLB and DT assualtung a Police Officier
What is a thug ? Well I will tell you exactly what a thug is. Somebody that takes the law into his own hands and harms other people in the process. If you look in the dictionary under thug you would see a picture of Mike Tyson or Daniel Brooks, somebody like that. You guys know that Tyson tried to defend his actions as well. He thought he was above the law and thought he could do what he pleased to that young lady. Well the police and district attorney put an end to Mr Tyson. And now Brent and Bret think they are above the law by being UT football players they can cut a gash into someone's head and get away with it. Did you people hear me ?They split the guy's head open and that was before Smith assaulted him.
Old Vol. The admin of this board has asked you and me to not waste board space by name calling, etc. I am holding up my end of the bargain and I would hope you are man enough to do the same.

Send an e-mail to me if you want to talk trash. Better yet set up a meeting in person and I can guarantee I will put an end to your name calling.
Originally posted by westsidevol@Apr 12, 2005 2:06 PM
Old Vol. The admin of this board has asked you and me to not waste board space by name calling, etc. I am holding up my end of the bargain and I would hope you are man enough to do the same.

Send an e-mail to me if you want to talk trash. Better yet set up a meeting in person and I can guarantee I will put an end to your name calling.

I deliver the one thing that really frightens you. The Truth.

Deal with it.
What you going to do west bring a bat?

You know OldVol is not a Police Officer so like your UGA team you would be in trouble.

I know who you are and what you are and what you are not is a Vol fan
guys why do we always fight on these boards???
we are all united as brothers and sisters as vol fans...
please everytime i see a fight brewing and its not a joke it is just awful...
Well I am staying on topic. No amount of lying and name calling is going to change that.

Yes, UGA has problems as well. There are thugs all over the place. Mark Richt has laid the law down and he will do what he needs to do, just as Fulmer will do what he needs to do. I laugh when people say he did it just for token reasons. Trust me, he is not happy with either of those two from what I have been told.
Originally posted by toddbond007@Apr 12, 2005 2:23 PM
guys why do we always fight on these boards???
we are all united as brothers and sisters as vol fans...
please everytime i see a fight brewing and its not a joke it is just awful...

One correction. Westie is not a Vol fan. He's been exposed as a troll on more than one Vol board.
West shall I bring some old friends from another board here to call you out? I can. All you do is sling mud and lie, fabricate and twist.

Fulmer is not happy and guess what little boy not for the reasons you seem to indicate.

From this point on my job is to call you out on every thread you reply or start due to your Bammer ways.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Apr 12, 2005 2:28 PM
West shall I bring some old friends from another board here to call you out? I can. All you do is sling mud and lie, fabricate and twist.

Fulmer is not happy and guess what little boy not for the reasons you seem to indicate.

From this point on my job is to call you out on every thread you reply or start due to your Bammer ways.

Uh, that's Dawg ways ... but who's taking note.

Call away. ;)
sorry guys i just hate to see the violence on a board that is supposed to bring happiness to the hearts of children and vol fans...
Originally posted by toddbond007@Apr 12, 2005 2:34 PM
sorry guys i just hate to see the violence on a board that is supposed to bring happiness to the hearts of children and vol fans...

Trolls must be terminated. They infect the innocent. :p

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