Are We Witnessing Greatness

tng8r. it's amazing to me how looking at your logo causes me to want to use the bathroom. i guess it's the only visual laxative in existence. time to take a gator. be back in ten.
Tebow is the new Peter Warrick, only Tebow prefers a Heisman over Hilfiger.

Actually I see his career being more like Danny Wuerffel's, considering he'll be marginal at best in the NFL and he's already started his community service work.
Man, is this ever gonna be a long summmer. We're in our own board discussing Timmy Tebag and entertaining gators in the discussion. Here's another one for ya LG,
"The one thing the direct run gives you is it gives you a chance to spread that extra defender out of the box. Everybody thinks it's just because it's Tim. That's a big part of it. But the minute you move another back out of the backfield, someone leaves that box. Now you have everybody blocked. It's single-wing football."

after reading this quote from UM I threw up a little...
"Think about how far it's come," Meyer said. "We always list our playmakers, and I do it about two hours before every game, sitting in the hotel room. I've done it for seven years. You list your playmakers and who you want to touch the ball. There were times when the playmaker list stopped at about two or three.
"Now, it's going up toward six, seven, eight or nine, which is a good sign."

if he owned Phil before.........
I think until Tebow wins a national title on his own, no number of Heisman Trophies will put him in the same category as MJ and crew. But, I guess that also depends on if the UF defense improves.
Michael Jordan has won world championships, multiple MVP trophies, a gold medal, and a host of other accolades....but being compared to Tim Tebow has to be the greatest accomplishment of his athletic career.
Michael Jordan has won world championships, multiple MVP trophies, a gold medal, and a host of other accolades....but being compared to Tim Tebow has to be the greatest accomplishment of his athletic career.
LG1 is very proud of you for finally getting out of your Vol-centric world and appreciating Tebow for the true football great he is.

There have been many great QBs, but how many have been allowed to circumcise kids in foreign lands? Being Tebow is approaching Holiday Inn Express territory.
LG1 is very proud of you for finally getting out of your Vol-centric world and appreciating Tebow for the true football great he is.

There have been many great QBs, but how many have been allowed to circumcise kids in foreign lands? Being Tebow is approaching Holiday Inn Express territory.

We already know that Tim Tebow is the greatest athlete in history...that's no longer debatable.

Now, with the miracles that he's performing overseas, it's becoming quite difficult to suggest that he's not the greatest person in history.

jt5 (you can get slack with the initials from time to time, but I firmly believe that they're necessary when discussing the Tim Tebow.)
Every time I read posts about him, I feel like we should just be plugging his name in for Chuck Norris.

Newton's Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Tim Tebow run.
You can be the greatest player ever in college, and it won't matter a lick to the general public if you don't amount to anything in the NFL.

For the record, I believe Tim Tebow will be among the best 5-10 college players of all time when all is said and done.

I think Chavis should copy what Michigan did, they got to Tebow more than any other team
Tebow should never be mentioned in the same sentence as Jordan or Montana...guy is good..but come on now.:ermm:

several of you guys misunderstood my point. I consider Joe Montana the best pro qb ever, MJ the best NBA player ever, and my question was, "Is TT going to be the best college qb ever?" In no way shape or form was I comparing TT to JM or MJ.

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