Meh... you are kind of right, but not exactly. There are 4 major factors for why we are seeing higher gas prices. The Biden/Harris administration is, at least indirectly, responsible for one of the factors:
1) The U.S. Election Did Play a Role.
Since last November 3rd, the average price per gallon of regular gasoline has risen by 75 cents. The markets clearly see the Biden/Harris administration as one that will work to inhibit U.S oil production, which will also have the effect of tightening the global market, and traders have responded by driving up the prices of crude oil.
2) The Loosening of COVID Restrictions Globally.
In recent months this has led to a rapid recovery in global demand for crude oil that has exceeded the expectations of all the "experts" on the subject, leading to a tightening of global crude markets.
3) Strong Discipline Among the OPEC Nations.
This is related to their agreement to limit exports which has also played a major role in tightening the relationship between global supply and demand.
4) Refinery Maintenance and the Changeover to Summer Gasoline Blends.
You can cite this in most years during the spring time. This is a time of the year in which many
U.S. refineries are taken offline for annual maintenance and all refiners are switching from manufacturing a handful of winter blends of gasoline to the summer blends required by the EPA. This changeover invariably raises the costs of both refining and transportation of gasoline, and that is always worked into gas prices during the spring months. This is only a seasonal problem, however.
In Summation:
We've seen a confluence of factors since November that have driven up the price for crude oil now combined with the higher costs associated with the annual conversion over to summer blends of gasoline. Since gas prices at the pump tend to follow the price of crude on an almost linear basis, none of this should be surprising. If it makes you happy to blame Biden, then go right ahead... Trump was definitely blamed for some things which he had very little to do with too.