Logan's suggestion of some sort of unsolved mystery was definitively debunked by Garrett Archer, an election analyst at ABC15 television in Phoenix and a former official in the Arizona secretary of state's office, who is known locally and on Twitter for his mastery of the state's elections data.
Archer explained that the county stops updating the requested-ballots list, known as "EV32," after the last day people can request a mail ballot, October 23. So ballots cast in person after October 23, Archer said, were included on the submitted-ballots list, known as "EV33," but did not have a corresponding item on the "EV32" requested-ballots list.
Archer analyzed the files and found that there were 74,241 ballots on the submitted-ballots list without a corresponding entry on the requested-ballots list -- nearly identical to the figure Logan cited, "74,243." But Archer found that more than 99.9% of the ballots in question were recorded in the submitted-ballots list on October 26 or later.
That is in line with the October 23 cut-off date Archer had previously noted for the requested-ballots list.