Arizona Election Audit

People are moving into chattanooga at a ridiculous pace. You may be right on the no eviction thing. And that could explain the lack of housing for sale in Chattanooga but we already had a housing shortage before the pandemic. And we had artificially low prices here before the pandemic began. I’m afraid the new price point is here to stay. At least in Chattanooga

Now if I could just get my wife to move. She watches all those TV shows sponsored by realtors and lenders - the ones that are about fixing up and flipping. So she starts on "we need to this and that..." - and I'm saying we need to do the essentials and just be gone. Personally I'd rather buy a home and improve what I want my way than buy a house at an inflated price that somebody "improved" with cheaper materials. I've got another house that's fine for us temporarily, and she will inherit her father's house within a few years. We were going to leave Chattanooga something like 20 years ago.
Now if I could just get my wife to move. She watches all those TV shows sponsored by realtors and lenders - the ones that are about fixing up and flipping. So she starts on "we need to this and that..." - and I'm saying we need to do the essentials and just be gone. Personally I'd rather buy a home and improve what I want my way than buy a house at an inflated price that somebody "improved" with cheaper materials. I've got another house that's fine for us temporarily, and she will inherit her father's house within a few years. We were going to leave Chattanooga something like 20 years ago.
Fixing a house for people to move in is my sweet spot. Fixing one so people can move out......pass
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Answer: Look in the mirror.

Why did 2/3rds of Democrats who never accepted Trump as legitimate & elected by Russian interference, universally think congressional gains in 2016 and 2018 were legitimate? Nobody who thinks Clinton was cheated ever addresses this.

There were a number of RINOs running in 2016; polling even favored Kasich to beat Clinton. Yet Repubs chose Trump. If Trump had come out with the same tired shite RINOs were peddling, he'd virtually no chance to be nominated. That was his distinguishing feature.

It's the message.
That is not a comparable example at all. Democrats did not allege that actual vote tallies had been tampered with in the 2016 Presidential Election, the way Republicans are now (without proof)... and they did not allege that the final outcome had been determined by illegally cast votes either.

Republicans do not understand that if one vote on a ballot has to be discarded, then every vote on that same ballot also must be discarded. That could easily have consequences for the outcome of more than just one election... but there is only one outcome that Republicans have tried to overturn from the 2020 election cycle. That is inconsistent as hell. You can't allege that a ballot was illegally cast, but then only throw out one vote from that ballot, and then keep the votes you like. That is exactly what idiots like Rep. Louie Gohmert want to do, however.
It also takes a special kind of stupidity to defend that feckless clown, but of course YOU wouldn't do that. Oh wait..

And a super, double special kind of stupidity when I say "oh? show me - specifically - where I was defending anyone." and you realize you misspoke and just sort of disappear without reply.

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Yep, trump was setting it up for awhile too. Its such a scam. 200 years of fair elections but the reality TV star loses and its fraud.

I wish people weren't so dumb
The really stupid aspect to all of this, is how well Republicans did in close elections in November. Losing those two Georgia Senate races in January was costly... but for the most part, Republicans won damn near every single toss up election in the House. It is not possible to look at those results from top to bottom and come away thinking that Republicans got a raw deal.

This has everything to do with just one election that they didn't win... and the fact that it has now become political suicide to be a Republican who doesn't say whatever it is Trump wants you to say.
The really stupid aspect to all of this, is how well Republicans did in close elections in November. Losing those two Georgia Senate races in January was costly... but for the most part, Republicans won damn near every single toss up election in the House. It is not possible to look at those results from top to bottom and come away thinking that Republicans got a raw deal.

This has everything to do with just one election that they didn't win... and the fact that it has now become political suicide to be a Republican who doesn't say whatever it is Trump wants you to say.

Yeah they are trying to #cancel Liz Cheney now cause she dared to speak up against their hero Trump. Disgraceful
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Yeah they are trying to #cancel Liz Cheney now cause she dared to speak up against their hero Trump. Disgraceful
She is even being called a "RINO" now, as though her hardline conservative voting record means nothing. It just shows that there is only one litmus test for Republicans to pass right now, and that is the complete fealty and subservience to Donald Trump. You either unconditionally support and defend everything that Trump says and does or else you are a RINO. They are not a political party anymore. The Republican Party has morphed into a cult of personality over someone who just lost his re-election bid - badly!

It makes no sense.
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She is even being called a "RINO" now, as though her hardline conservative voting record means nothing. It just shows that there is only one litmus test for Republicans to pass right now, and that is the complete fealty and subservience to Donald Trump. You either unconditionally support and defend everything that Trump says and does or else you are a RINO. They are not a political party anymore. The Republican Party has morphed into a cult of personality over someone who just lost his re-election bid - badly!

It makes no sense.

Do you think anyone really cares about her? Or if she is being called out? You really think the Democratic Party is any better? No they aren’t.
That is not a comparable example at all. Democrats did not allege that actual vote tallies had been tampered with in the 2016 Presidential Election, the way Republicans are now (without proof)... and they did not allege that the final outcome had been determined by illegally cast votes either.

Republicans do not understand that if one vote on a ballot has to be discarded, then every vote on that same ballot also must be discarded. That could easily have consequences for the outcome of more than just one election... but there is only one outcome that Republicans have tried to overturn from the 2020 election cycle. That is inconsistent as hell. You can't allege that a ballot was illegally cast, but then only throw out one vote from that ballot, and then keep the votes you like. That is exactly what idiots like Rep. Louie Gohmert want to do, however.

And yet, 2/3rds of Democrats in the YouGov poll believed Russia 'Definitely' or 'Somewhat Likely' changed vote tallies to elect Trump. So, if Democrat officials aren't saying or implying such things, what makes 2/3rds of Dem voters such rubes to believe such a thing? Russia's impact on the election seen through partisan eyes | YouGov

So, in addition to a hoax originating with Clinton/DNC colluding with foreign agents to influence the election, Dem 'leaders' such as Pelosi and Biden also referring to Trump as being illegitimately elected, a majority of Dem voters think so, too. Which matches the 2/3rds of Republican voters who think Biden was illegitimately elected.

Logically, if there was fraud on that level, why not the down ballots? Unless the electronic/digital ballot can be matched to a paper ballot, an election cannot actually be audited unless machine counts can be squared with paper ballots and signatures. And in the case of mail ballots, be matched with the envelope. Unless those criteria are met, hand and rerunning machine counts are meaningless.

Hypothetically, a valid, comprehensive forensic audit should detect which races were targeted; if only the presidential and not down ballots, then yes, you only chuck the altered presidential votes. The ballots that should be excluded entirely are those not conforming to laws passed by the state legislature, fraudulent, or - as in PA's Act 77 - law which violates the state constitution.
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She is even being called a "RINO" now, as though her hardline conservative voting record means nothing. It just shows that there is only one litmus test for Republicans to pass right now, and that is the complete fealty and subservience to Donald Trump. You either unconditionally support and defend everything that Trump says and does or else you are a RINO. They are not a political party anymore. The Republican Party has morphed into a cult of personality over someone who just lost his re-election bid - badly!

It makes no sense.

Yeah, except no. What you don't do is support bogus impeachment, and bogus claims of inciting a riot or insurrection by the guy who is "Make America Great Again" and expect that shite to fly with 75M voters even as you chide them for believing in an America first message.

This doesn't require Mensa acceptance.
And yet, 2/3rds of Democrats in the YouGov poll believed Russia 'Definitely' or 'Somewhat Likely' changed vote tallies to elect Trump. So, if Democrat officials aren't saying or implying such things, what makes 2/3rds of Dem voters such rubes to believe such a thing? Russia's impact on the election seen through partisan eyes | YouGov

So, in addition to a hoax originating with Clinton/DNC colluding with foreign agents to influence the election, Dem 'leaders' such as Pelosi and Biden also referring to Trump as being illegitimately elected, a majority of Dem voters think so, too. Which matches the 2/3rds of Republican voters who think Biden was illegitimately elected.

Logically, if there was fraud on that level, why not the down ballots? Unless the electronic/digital ballot can be matched to a paper ballot, an election cannot actually be audited unless machine counts can be squared with paper ballots and signatures. And in the case of mail ballots, be matched with the envelope. Unless those criteria are met, hand and rerunning machine counts are meaningless.

Hypothetically, a valid, comprehensive forensic audit should detect which races were targeted; if only the presidential and not down ballots, then yes, you only chuck the altered presidential votes. The ballots that should be excluded entirely are those not conforming to laws passed by the state legislature, fraudulent, or - as in PA's Act 77 - law which violates the state constitution.
You would argue with a brick wall... Let me know when Democrats conduct an audit for an election that was held six months prior. Hell, Biden has only been in office for 15 weeks now. Is it too late to audit JFK v Nixon? Dick got the screws put to him if you ask me...
Yeah, except no. What you don't do is support bogus impeachment, and bogus claims of inciting a riot or insurrection by the guy who is "Make America Great Again" and expect that shite to fly with 75M voters even as you chide them for believing in an America first message.

This doesn't require Mensa acceptance.
Donald Trump does bear at least partial responsibility for the January 6th incursion into the U.S. Capitol. The whole purpose of the rally itself was built off the back of Trump's lies. As of January 6th, there was no longer a pathway within the framework of the U.S. Constitution towards overturning the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump not only told his supporters that it was possible for him to still win the election (which was a lie), he also strongly (and incorrectly) suggested that his Vice President, Mike Pence, had the power to unilaterally disregard electoral college votes. Unless he truly is completely ignorant, Trump simply had to know that this was not true. Pence's job in the U.S. Capitol that day was nothing more than that of formality. In basic terms, it was a ceremonial procedure. It was Pence's designated responsibility to call the electoral college votes into roll... nothing more; nothing less... That is what Trump has vilified Pence for - doing exactly what he was supposed to do. You seem to think that Trump is above reproach and above being called out for lying. This gets back to the whole "cult of personality" thing. Whatever Trump wants... is by definition, the right thing for Republicans to do, regardless of what the facts are. Well, not everyone wants to be a member of a cult like yourself. Some people don't like being lied to, and are capable of thinking for themselves.
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I wish all this **** would just end. The election is over. Biden is President. It is what it is. Don't focus on things you're not gonna change. Focus on the future and things you can change.
Unfortunately that’s never gonna happen.
It’s payback time and neither party can get beyond it. People can argue who started it all they want but it’s not ending anytime soon if ever.
For the sake of argument I’ll put the blame on republicans with the witch hunt and impeachment of Bill Clinton over White water. The back and forth since then lead to the Russian collusion that turns out was HRC created so now we get to see a bunch of audits of Biden.
But like the Russian investigation I think we should let it play out. Russian interference proved to be completely false and the only people who still believe it are mentally ill. Ultimately that truth coming out was good for the country. Truth coming out here will be the same.
I expect a similar result.
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Unfortunately that’s never gonna happen.
It’s payback time and neither party can get beyond it. People can argue who started it all they want but it’s not ending anytime soon if ever.
For the sake of argument I’ll put the blame on republicans with the witch hunt and impeachment of Bill Clinton over White water. The back and forth since then lead to the Russian collusion that turns out was HRC created so now we get to see a bunch of audits of Biden.
But like the Russian investigation I think we should let it play out. Russian interference proved to be completely false and the only people who still believe it are mentally ill. Ultimately that truth coming out was good for the country. Truth coming out here will be the same.
I expect a similar result.

Whitewater wasn’t a witch hunt, some high level politicians and bureaucrats were convicted of real crimes from that investigation. When Starr started looking into the Paula Jones case is when it became a witch hunt.
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Whitewater wasn’t a witch hunt, some high level politicians and bureaucrats were convicted of real crimes from that investigation. When Starr started looking into the Paula Jones case is when it became a witch hunt.
That’s fine. Jump off there as the starting point. It doesn’t matter where we start the payback isn’t going away. Politicians count on people having a short memory so they can continue to divide
people complaining about the audits will now be reminded of Russian investigation. (As I just did again)

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