Arizona Election Audit

9 of the 10 poorest states in the country are "red states".

(1) Mississippi - RED
(2) Louisiana - RED
(3) New Mexico - BLUE
(4) Kentucky - RED
(5) Arkansas - RED
(6) West Virginia - RED
(7) Alabama - RED
(8) Oklahoma - RED
(9) Tennessee - RED
(10) South Carolina - RED

... and that next sentence is highly debatable. A list of the states with the most welfare recipients is basically a list of the states with the highest populations. We would have no way to know how those people vote.

They are ALL takers that wouldn't survive without our tax dollars
9 of the 10 poorest states in the country are "red states".

(1) Mississippi - RED
(2) Louisiana - RED
(3) New Mexico - BLUE
(4) Kentucky - RED
(5) Arkansas - RED
(6) West Virginia - RED
(7) Alabama - RED
(8) Oklahoma - RED
(9) Tennessee - RED
(10) South Carolina - RED

... and that next sentence is highly debatable. A list of the states with the most welfare recipients is basically a list of the states with the highest populations. We would have no way to know how those people vote.

And with the exception of SC, were all BLUE states run by BLUE legislatures from BEFORE the Civil War, then Reconstruction and UNTIL 2008 and 2010.

So, you'll just have to be patient with reforming more than 150 years of Democrat policy that spawned "poor", protected slavery and Jim Crow; it might take a bit longer than 10-12 years.

Further, RED states bear the brunt of a disproportionately high populace of the "poorest" of the poor - black Americans - who are overwhelmingly Dem constituents. Again, give RED states a bit of time to overcome a couple centuries of slave-based agrarianism even as Repub legislatures take care of YOUR constituents. Not to mention the high incidence of crime and lowering of education averages inflicted by those Dem constituents.

BUE states form nearly HALF of the ten poorest states, with CA having the highest percentage of people in poverty as the Supplemental Poverty Measure shows. The rest are NY, NM, HI. DC is #2. KY was run by Dems since time began, split legislature since 1998 and Repubs have held it just since 2017.

And will you look at that? State Fiscal Rankings BLUE states and cities are fiscal messes, their financial solvency ranking uniformly at the bottom while RED states uniformly rule the roost. I can make a substantial case that RED legislatures oversaw the economic rise of CA, NY, MA and probably the bulk of the Northeast.

I can do the RED/BLUE political-bias shite all day long. But we've had this conversation before and you should know better.
I assume this is another figment of the VN Trumpkin alternate reality that says there was no basis for the Mueller investigation, the election was really stolen, and all that, because I didn’t back pedal from anything.

You’re benched until you re-establish some connection with reality.
Ha! You have zero power over me and know nothing close to what you think you do. Keep dreaming though. It’s cute.
There should always be room for speaking truth to power in any political party, and to call a lie... a lie. It was not a bogus claim. She called it as she saw it, and to her credit, she didn't allow herself to be bullied by the party leadership. If she only cared about her own career and holding onto her seat in the House of Reps., then she would have done what Sen. Lindsey Graham did and acquiesce.

However you view her stance on Donald Trump, it is ignorant to call her a RINO. She has one of the most conservative voting records in all of Congress. Whenever unconditional support, fealty and subservience to one person is a prerequisite for membership to a party... that's not a party anymore. It's a cult.

CULT: a system of devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

That ^^^^ is what the Republican Party has morphed into. They don't stand for policy anymore. That is proven by the treatment of Liz Cheney. She wasn't voted out of her position of leadership based on policy. This has everything to do with her unwillingness to follow the party's fealty to Trump.

Truth is one thing; an unconstitutional impeachment/trial of a public citizen quite another, especially on specious political grounds on a basis that would not remotely pass the SCOTUS litmus test of dangerous speech that is not protected.

I'd think you'd learn by now that because leftists create a straw man, paint an 'R' on it and begin to flagellate it, that conservatives don't have to play along. But then Marxofascist dehumanization of conservatives is what Dems do, isn't it? Reduce them to something less than human and it's pretty much okay to say or do anything to them; we saw that play out last century and in China, Cuba, NK still today.

When people like you celebrate or defend a "Republican" or a 'truth-teller', I can be damned sure they ain't.
Truth is one thing; an unconstitutional impeachment/trial of a public citizen quite another, especially on specious political grounds on a basis that would not remotely pass the SCOTUS litmus test of dangerous speech that is not protected.

I'd think you'd learn by now that because leftists create a straw man, paint an 'R' on it and begin to flagellate it, that conservatives don't have to play along. But then Marxofascist dehumanization of conservatives is what Dems do, isn't it? Reduce them to something less than human and it's pretty much okay to say or do anything to them; we saw that play out last century and in China, Cuba, NK still today.

When people like you celebrate or defend a "Republican" or a 'truth-teller', I can be damned sure they ain't.

What a bunch of nonsense. You really think one party can take the high ground?
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Truth is one thing; an unconstitutional impeachment/trial of a public citizen quite another, especially on specious political grounds on a basis that would not remotely pass the SCOTUS litmus test of dangerous speech that is not protected.

I'd think you'd learn by now that because leftists create a straw man, paint an 'R' on it and begin to flagellate it, that conservatives don't have to play along. But then Marxofascist dehumanization of conservatives is what Dems do, isn't it? Reduce them to something less than human and it's pretty much okay to say or do anything to them; we saw that play out last century and in China, Cuba, NK still today.

When people like you celebrate or defend a "Republican" or a 'truth-teller', I can be damned sure they ain't.
I'm not celebrating or defending Liz Cheney. I hate how she votes. I am factually pointing out that she has a very conservative voting record. It's not accurate to call her a "RINO". Her record is much more in line with Trump's agenda, than that of her replacement. Like I said, policy is secondary these days in the Republican Party. It all boils down to how much of Trump's fat butt you are willing to kiss.
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I was just messing with you... and making a point to that other guy. I do not believe that hostility and opposition towards a political party constitutes bigotry.
He said "mostly" and "maybe" they are that stupid. It didn't include all nor was absolute. It's amazing that you can't figure out that absolutely charging THE ENTIRE GROUP in a derogatory way is bigotry by definition. You can't exclude a group just because the inclusion of that group would inconvenience your self perceived moral superiority. You even labeled your assertion as "unfair".

Take a lap Lmao
DO you think anyone cares if you are done responding here?

why would anyone post something like that. I just dont get it

Some of us post to you and your like to try to help you.

We do not consider you on our level or someone worth conversing with.

Basically, you add no value to this site or any of us.

We simply try to enlighten you.

When we feel you are beyind help we simply wash our hands of you and move on.

You asked so I am simply being honest with you.

You are viewed the same way as kids running through an adult party are: just a slight momentary nuisance.

There are those on here who are worth debating and bring actual substance. You just arent one of them.
Some of us post to you and your like to try to help you.

We do not consider you on our level or someone worth conversing with.

Basically, you add no value to this site or any of us.

We simply try to enlighten you.

When we feel you are beyind help we simply wash our hands of you and move on.

You asked so I am simply being honest with you.

You are viewed the same way as kids running through an adult party are: just a slight momentary nuisance.

There are those on here who are worth debating and bring actual substance. You just arent one of them.

So.....I guess you weren't done responding hehehe
that's wrong...60% of Trump's voters were non-college whites. Uneducated voters were trump's base.

If you were a door to door salesperson, you could just go to all the houses with trump signs in their yards, clearly they were suckers and easily conned.

I will agree though, democrats need to do better with the working class.

So, 74 million plus people fit your above description? On a scale of 1-10, exactly how elitist are you? I know a lot of “college educated” people that aren’t all that smart. They got a s****y degree they couldn’t get a job with, complain how unfair life is and still think they’re the smartest people in the room. I know a lot of high school educated business owners that can run circles around Ivy League patsies in terms of day to day operations. But maybe they teach that level condescension in law school? Idk.
I assume this is another figment of the VN Trumpkin alternate reality that says there was no basis for the Mueller investigation, the election was really stolen, and all that, because I didn’t back pedal from anything.

You’re benched until you re-establish some connection with reality.

As Barr stated, and two IG reports show us, the dossier was the basis for the internal FBI approval to seek FISA after being denied multiple times, and the FBI knew in Jan 2017 it was BS. The comments by both McCabe and Strozk were not errant comments.

At every turn with Page, Pappadopoulos, and Flynn, FBI excluded exculpatory evidence even to the point of fabricating evidence outright and by omission, and by ignoring CIA telling them - at least twice - Page was a resource. Hell, he worked with FBI in 2015 to prosecute Russians seeking political influence. We also know the political and politicized IC report was not a "consensus of 17 intel agencies" but just two. And even then, there was dissent and Brennan may have isolated it. How many ways does IG Horowitz have to tell us these numerous violations of protocol and propriety at every turn were inexplicable considering these were hand-picked teams to pursue the highest profile target, a candidate and then sitting president? How many former AGs have to tell us - since Barr, Rosenstein, and Yates aren't enough - they would NOT have authorized those investigations if the facts had been truthfully presented by the FBI?

I contend there was no basis for a special counsel, Mueller or not. They knew it was junk four months before Mueller's May '17 appointment.
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So, 74 million plus people fit your above description? On a scale of 1-10, exactly how elitist are you? I know a lot of “college educated” people that aren’t all that smart. They got a s****y degree they couldn’t get a job with, complain how unfair life is and still think they’re the smartest people in the room. I know a lot of high school educated business owners that can run circles around Ivy League patsies in terms of day to day operations. But maybe they teach that level condescension in law school? Idk.


exit polling says 60% of trump voters were "non-college educated whites". You got a problem with that, Karen? Speak to the manager of exit polling....
What a bunch of nonsense. You really think one party can take the high ground?

All the time? No, but then we're talking about a particular instance (the second baseless and unconstitutional impeachment) and then broadly of the Marxofascist vilification/dehumanization of conservatives generally; the "cult".

We up to date now?
I'm not celebrating or defending Liz Cheney. I hate how she votes. I am factually pointing out that she has a very conservative voting record. It's not accurate to call her a "RINO". Her record is much more in line with Trump's agenda, than that of her replacement. Like I said, policy is secondary these days in the Republican Party. It all boils down to how much of Trump's fat butt you are willing to kiss.

Again: TRUMP made this party.
Cheney wants to drum TRUMP out of the party, move on past him, enough to participate in a 2nd illegitimate attempt to remove him and continue crusading against him.

Republican voters say: To hell with her and her voting record.

Yeah, yeah...and you voted for a guy with half a mind, an unnatural addiction to fondling little girls, whose leftward lurch has the VT commie giddy, and whose raison d'être for entering the race was simply a lie.

And it got worse from there. That's a lot of disturbing anti-American smooching to stomach.

VN Store
