You can believe what you want, I just saw too many mail in votes happen that mostly went democrat and came in the middle of the night.
Here is part of what happened and Clinton gave an indication that this was going to occur.
Toward the end of October/first of November the democrat lawyers around the country started filling subpoenas to be given voter rolls for anyone that has gotten a mail in ballot but it was not returned.
This way they knew who and where to look for harvesting, etc. That is how they knew it would be a bunch of late filed mail in ballots that came in for Biden and petitioned for mail in's to be accepted after election day in some cases up to 7 days.
Hillary basically gave this away when she told Jo not to fold the tent on election night.
Democrats had positioned lawyers around the country months in advance. We know that was done because it was news leading up to the election. What we didn't know is one of the goals was to get the voter lists. That is why there was a strong push on their side for mail in ballots. Covid brought all of it together and wrapped it in a bow.
How do I know - because they filed a lawsuit in Tn that was rejected.
Edit: To add to it, I will present Exhibit A if anyone questions this public record.
The democrats had no shot at the State of Tennessee, but what it did was expose a strategy at the top levels. Apply this tactic to states where election rules were changed in the last weeks or months unconstitutionally in some cases in those states or in states decided by thousands of votes and there you have it.