Arrangements for Orange+White=Heaven aka OWH



Staff member
Sep 27, 2008
With permission from Scott's family, I am posting the arrangements for OWH.

Visitation will be at Lane Funeral Home on Ashland Terrace in Chattanooga, from 3-5pm on Saturday, June 29, 2013. The service will be at 5pm.

His family has asked that I pass along how much your comments and posts have meant to them. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
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I'm incredibly sorry for his family's loss. May God be with them.
God got a good one. RIP OWH, prayers to friends and family. We will miss you around here.
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I didn't know him, but all of the thoughts and prayers and all of the positive things people have said about him have really kind of touched me. I know his posts meant a lot to a bunch of people on here, and more than that, his friendship was important to several posters on here. I'm sorry for your loss Volly and Ooltewah, and I'll be praying for you all and for OWH's family. Losing someone is tough.
It's a sad day whenever a fellow Vol passes on. He seemed very well liked on VN and from what I saw of his posts he was a very genuinely nice man.


My prayers are with his family.
Sincere and deepest condolences to OWH's family and friends.. Each of you are in our thoughts & prayers.. Rest in Peace, friend.... God Bless ...
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Condolences. When the Vols score the first TD of the season, I'll raise a toast.
Will pray for peace and comfort for the family and rejoice in the knowledge that OWH is in Heaven whooping it up with Jesus...probably talking about the VOLS upcoming season...asking for a little favor here or there against Bama and Florida

2 Corinthians 1:3-4
New International Version (NIV)

Praise to the God of All Comfort

"3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
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