Arrangements for Orange+White=Heaven aka OWH

IMO-as long as we fondly remember those who pass on-that part we keep in our heart never dies.
I walked in this morning, as I have for almost 10 years; the first office on the right was still empty. It had been that way for a couple of weeks but today was different. You see each day while OWH was sick, I could tell myself he would be back soon. I looked at it as if he was just on the injured list, and as long as I could do that I would believe he was doing just fine, and whipping this thing.

Many of us have prayed and while we didn’t get our prayers answered the way WE wanted them to be, God answered or prayers in his way. You see God was ready for Scott and just as Jesus told us in John 14 when he said.” Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”

God prepared Scott’s mansion and who knows maybe it is ORANGE & WHITE Gold. One thing is for sure, for our friend Scott. ORANGE+WHITE=HEAVEN for him.

I took a short break from this post, and walked by that office again, but I saw it different than when I walked in this morning, for it wasn’t empty anymore. It was filled with memory after memory, smiles and laughter. The ones I had shared with OWH, and ya know what VN, That and those memories will never die with any of us who knew or talked or just messaged with Scott.

Maybe he knew something we didn’t know when he created that thread “The Topic That Will never Die”

Let every VFL never forget our friend in our hearts and on this board.

God Bless Scott who is now ORANGE+WHITE IS NOW IN HEAVEN.
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Every time I try to put into words what I want to say, I realize there aren't words for what I'm feeling.

What I can say, is that I feel so incredibly blessed to have known OWH.
If you never even knew who he was on here or in life, you could just really go by all the kind words that people have said about him here to get an idea about the type of person he was. Says a lot about a person when everyone who either interacted with him here or in life thinks as highly as they do about him.
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If you never even knew who he was on here or in life, you could just really go by all the kind words that people have said about him here to get an idea about the type of person he was. Says a lot about a person when everyone who either interacted with him here or in life thinks as highly as they do about him.

Sad times for the people close to him. Heavenly times for OWH. Thoughts and prayers for his family and friends.
"If a man be remembered for the family he had and the friends he left behind, then here lieth a GOOD man."...Norse proverb

OWH = VFL....enough said
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So sorry to hear about the passing of a Vol Nation friend. Our thoughts and prayers sent upwards for the family.
I walked in this morning, as I have for almost 10 years; the first office on the right was still empty. It had been that way for a couple of weeks but today was different. You see each day while OWH was sick, I could tell myself he would be back soon. I looked at it as if he was just on the injured list, and as long as I could do that I would believe he was doing just fine, and whipping this thing.

Many of us have prayed and while we didn’t get our prayers answered the way WE wanted them to be, God answered or prayers in his way. You see God was ready for Scott and just as Jesus told us in John 14 when he said.” Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”

God prepared Scott’s mansion and who knows maybe it is ORANGE & WHITE Gold. One thing is for sure, for our friend Scott. ORANGE+WHITE=HEAVEN for him.

I took a short break from this post, and walked by that office again, but I saw it different than when I walked in this morning, for it wasn’t empty anymore. It was filled with memory after memory, smiles and laughter. The ones I had shared with OWH, and ya know what VN, That and those memories will never die with any of us who knew or talked or just messaged with Scott.

Maybe he knew something we didn’t know when he created that thread “The Topic That Will never Die”

Let every VFL never forget our friend in our hearts and on this board.

God Bless Scott who is now ORANGE+WHITE IS NOW IN HEAVEN.
It was nice that you had such a good pal that you cared so much about. Obviously he has touched us all here on VolNation.
I'm sorry I did not know him but I always enjoyed his posts and will miss him on the board. My condolences to his family and friends and I hope they can take a measure of comfort from the outpouring of sympathy by the Volnation as evidenced in this thread.

I believe the spirit lives on and keeps an eye on those things that were important in life. I also believe 95% of OWH's focus will be on family and friends but when the ball bounces our way this fall, I'll be thinking that maybe a little more help came from above.
God bless his family, in all the forms family may come. May OWH rest in the peace of the Lord's presence.
Hate to hear this. He was a large part of the heart and soul of VN. He WILL be missed.
I went to OWH's memorial service today. Hearing his family share memories about him was incredible. His co-workers shared things as well. I was able to hug both of his sisters, and tell them what he meant to me, and to Volnation.

For those of you who didn't have the opportunity of interacting with him here, just know the man was as special as they come. He had a heart of gold. And we were blessed to be part of his world.

At the end of the service, they played Rocky Top. And you could hear people singing along.

God bless you Scott. And Go Vols.

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I went to OWH's memorial service today. Hearing his family share memories about him was incredible. His co-workers shared things as well. I was able to hug both of his sisters, and tell them what he meant to me, and to Volnation.

For those of you who didn't have the opportunity of interacting with him here, just know the man was as special as they come. He had a heart of gold. And we were blessed to be part of his world.

At the end of the service, they played Rocky Top. And you could hear people singing along.

God bless you Scott. And Go Vols.

Hope to meet you one day in ORANGE HEAVEN.

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