Article: Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

That would make you the opposite of a liberal.

Moderately socially conservative, IMO. I define extreme as those that force their values or beliefs onto others.

Well, you definitely have the intellect of a conservative.

See, I get accused of being a conservative by some people because I think that homosexuality is wrong.

I get accused of being a liberal by other people because I say that it is wrong to discriminate against people just because they are gay.

I am not sure what it even means to be conservative or liberal. Does it define your outlook or your politics? both?

I believe in a live and let live mentality.

I may try and convince you that you should not use drugs and tell you that they are bad for so many reasons. At the same time, I support your right to use them without government interference.

I believe in conversion, not coercion.

I reject the conservative/liberal labels. They are all so contradictory within themselves.

typical conservative: abortion is wrong in america. bomb all them furriners to get the terrists and if some poor kid bystander dies, it is just collateral damage.

typical liberal: the death penalty is horrible. abortion is ok.

Inherent contradictions abound.
The meaning of 'liberal' in the modern lexicon is so completely different than its classical meaning that it's mind-bottling.

I'll put it in a sentence that I find to be accurate: Milton Friedman is a huge liberal. Baker will know what I'm talking about.
Alternative Certification and 'Colorblind Racism' -

So IQ tests are racist, except when they're used to "prove" that people with "socially conservative ideologies" are racist and intellectually inferior. has an article arguing that the Republican presidential candidates are racist. It's about as uninteresting an argument as you can find--but the headline is revealing: "Colorblind Racism: The New Norm." That Orwellian term, "colorblind racism," is the pithiest summation we've ever encountered of the absurdity of contemporary left-liberal racial dogma.
See, I get accused of being a conservative by some people because I think that homosexuality is wrong.

I get accused of being a liberal by other people because I say that it is wrong to discriminate against people just because they are gay.

I am not sure what it even means to be conservative or liberal. Does it define your outlook or your politics? both?

I believe in a live and let live mentality.

I may try and convince you that you should not use drugs and tell you that they are bad for so many reasons. At the same time, I support your right to use them without government interference.

I believe in conversion, not coercion.

I reject the conservative/liberal labels. They are all so contradictory within themselves.

typical conservative: abortion is wrong in america. bomb all them furriners to get the terrists and if some poor kid bystander dies, it is just collateral damage.

typical liberal: the death penalty is horrible. abortion is ok.

Inherent contradictions abound.

You, my friend, are a libertarian.
What if I am opposed to capital punishment but my reasons for my stance have nothing to do with morality?
Is it possible?

I think so. Primarily on the evidence that some in recent history have been executed and later found to be innocent. Also, looking at the cost of the capital punishment appeals system, which generally must be expedited against the cost of life imprisonment.
That's me. I just don't like the idea that the state can have power over life and death.

That sort of meanders into morality, but yeah. I dont see the effective difference between life with no parole vs execution. In either case, that person is removed from society.
why? it's a relative term and can't be used to define historical politicians, except in the terms of their own lifetimes.

It m may have applied socially up through the seventies, but it doesn't anymore. Used in a defamatory context currently, it implies nanny statism and taxation, both of which are opposite of what liberalism is. It would be like democrats being called conservatives.
I think so. Primarily on the evidence that some in recent history have been executed and later found to be innocent. Also, looking at the cost of the capital punishment appeals system, which generally must be expedited against the cost of life imprisonment.

The only way to say that this is negative is to make a moral choice that it is wrong to kill innocent people in the pursuit of justice.
why? it's a relative term and can't be used to define historical politicians, except in the terms of their own lifetimes.

Not sure I follow you. The term liberal in political parlance has always conveyed an absolute concept. A liberal is a partisan for liberty. It is only relatively recently that it was coopted by progressives and used as a label for very illiberal positions.
The only way to say that this is negative is to make a moral choice that it is wrong to kill innocent people in the pursuit of justice.

Not necessarily; the focus being on the ability to reverse decisions and ensure justice. It has nothing to do with the morality of capital punishment but the imperfection of the justice system
Not necessarily; the focus being on the ability to reverse decisions and ensure justice. It has nothing to do with the morality of capital punishment but the imperfection of the justice system

Let me phrase it a different way. Why is injustice bad?

To decide that justice is better than injustice is a value judgment. Hence, moral.

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