College football will always be a revolving door of players and that's just the way it works.
Schollies are only a 1 year, year to year deal, you either get renewed or you go play elsewhere.
Kids graduate every year or some of the best leave early for the NFL $$$ and that's just the reality of college football.
Every kid and his family knows this coming out of high school.
It's just a part of real life, do well, get better, stay out of trouble or go elsewhere.
Sounds harsh but life is tough, the NFL is tough so everyone has to learn to do a good job and be productive or else there's always someone else just waiting to take your job away from you.
No matter who you are or what your job is you can always be replaced by someone that will do a better job than you're doing.
Competition in everything is always a good thing because it makkes people work harder, try to learn more and better themselves all the time.
You don't get a pay raise for doing a lousy job despite what some idiots believe.
You don't get to keep your job for being the worst employee despite what some idiots think.
Everyone has the same equal opportunity to do well and make themselves better and those that fail choose to be lazy or not work to make themselves better.
How can you demand that a coach get Wins and at the same time demand that a coach keep lazy, subpar players?
How can you own stock and demand that company make profits and your stock value go up and you also make money and in the same breath demand that useless employees keep their jobs just because they belong to some dumb union that doesn't hold employees accountable to be dependable and do a good job that they're being paid to do?
How can you demand that your children get a good education to prepare them for adult life and then not stand up and demand the teachers unions to replace teachers that do nothing but go through the motions just to get a paycheck and the kids go through a lousy system that doesn't prepare them properly?
Either do the job right or go get a different job because reality says it's YOU that decides to make yourself better...or not.
Double standards have never worked and they shouldn't.
I feel sorry for any kid that can't or won't do what's required and has to move on to a smaller school.
I always felt sorry for all the people I was forced to fire but the reality is that in most cases those kids or people were talked to and warned several times before those people chose to force someone to tell them it's time for them to move on.
Welcome to real life.