Ashley Biden's diaries

Over the last two days I don't know what I would find more embarrassing if I were you:

The claim about rings in the diary
You calling this a forgery
You biatchcing about people replying to you like you have zero self control

This is the same guy that accuses others of being in a "cult" while acting like he's in a cult. If you have blind allegiance to a political party (like BB obviously does), you might as well consider yourself part of a cult.
Some of you are trying to conflate two very different things .... The totally unproven pizzagate nonsense involving an alleged satanic cabal, supposedly led by Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and taking place at Comet Ping Pong in DC ..... with the proven criminal actions of Jeffrey Epstein and those who enabled him. They were in no way the same.
This thread is about Biden being a pedo. It's the worst kept secret in government.
It would be one thing if we were operating on (very solid) assumption, but the man literally hits on little girls in public over and over and over again. It's disgusting. I'm voting for the millstone in the next election.
It would be one thing if we were operating on (very solid) assumption, but the man literally hits on little girls in public over and over and over again. It's disgusting. I'm voting for the millstone in the next election.
You can always vote for the guy who complemented Epstein for liking his girls on the younger side.
Some of you are trying to conflate two very different things .... The totally unproven pizzagate nonsense involving an alleged satanic cabal, supposedly led by Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and taking place at Comet Ping Pong in DC ..... with the proven criminal actions of Jeffrey Epstein and those who enabled him. They were in no way the same.

It really pains me to kinda agree with BB85 but the whole pizzagate thing, eh, Im not saying its not true, its just that there really isnt enough evidence for Hillary being on it. I will say Podesta seems a freak and Bill Clinton + underage girls seems a given.

Is there actually evidence that the TX "pizza shop" has anything to do with the one in VA?

I mean, im all ready to believe but there has got to be more than just heavy breathing
This thread is about Biden being a pedo. It's the worst kept secret in government.

To Biden's credit, he recently updated his tactics. He asked the little girl if she was 17 instead of 18 which would make it legal for a grown man to hit on her. Slick move by the old stud.
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