The conventional wisdom has leaned so hard into the idea that Gwynn was overrated that he's almost becoming underrated. 20 years, .388 OBP, 132 OPS+, 69 WAR. We all know I sneer at the waiters as much as anyone but he was about a good of one as it's possible to be. (Other than Rickey of course.)
Id be interested to know what Nikes take on the whole thing was. I thought we had to give them a certain amount of creative license in order to sign them on?
I dont care about the greys, if Pruitt wanted to keep them Id have no complaints or if we never saw them again Id feel the same. That said, all orange is absolutely beautiful and your dislike of the orange pants concerns me.
It's not because I'm an old man; it's because I'm colorblind and I can't read the numbers or see any of the orange against the grey background. Our players look like they're wearing solid blank grey shirts, pants, and helmets. It's gross.