Auburn fan writes letter of mistreatment in Athens

My wife works with an Auburn fan who's gone to every UGA-Auburn game for I think it was 18 years. Came in Monday and said it was so bad this time that he'd never go back to Athens. Apparently he tailgated with a group of Auburn fans and when they got back after the game a bunch of them had had their tires slashed. Charming.
My wife works with an Auburn fan who's gone to every UGA-Auburn game for I think it was 18 years. Came in Monday and said it was so bad this time that he'd never go back to Athens. Apparently he tailgated with a group of Auburn fans and when they got back after the game a bunch of them had had their tires slashed. Charming.

Not saying it did or didn't happen, but in this day and age of smartphones it should be very easy to validate and confirm stuff like this.
I have never been harassed in Athens. Ive gone to Athens since 2008. Ive only been harassed in Gainesville. I hate that s#&thole.

Spit on 20 times? Use hyperbole much? I dont believe that. Maybe a couple at most unless they were provoking in some way. Theres missing info here.
I am a mild mannered person by nature. However, if you spit on me it's go time. I don't care who does it, nothing more disgusting and demeaning as that.

I don't really want to wreck a fool, but if someone spit on me like that in public and they looked like they were "normal" I would point to him, declare loudly that he spit on me for everyone to hear, and I would follow him around saying that, and take pictures, and post them to social media, and try to find out the person's name.

He can be the one to decide to fight about it.
Honestly the only bad interactions I've had have been with Vandy fans and North Carolina fans at the Music City Bowl. But even then, it was just some jawing and honestly there were plenty of Vol fans acting just as stupid.

I've never understood getting so worked up over sports.
Not saying it did or didn't happen, but in this day and age of smartphones it should be very easy to validate and confirm stuff like this.

My wife has worked with this guy for more than 10 years. I've met him a dozen times myself. Sorry I didn't think to ask for a Youtube link when she told me about it. I have zero concern whether you believe it or not.
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Stories like this always pop up when the visiting team gets their tails whipped. Maybe this story is true and I would apologize because I think our fan base is well behaved for the most part.

I'll share an example. After the 2010 game UGA fans posted all kinds of stories of how terrible it was at Jordan Hare that night, it was also right after the heated game that involved dirty Fairly. In 2012 our boys went in and dominated Auburn, for some reason our fans did not post any horrible stories about their visit.

My point is that sometimes fans get too emotional about some games and will exaggerate like teenagers.
Honestly the only bad interactions I've had have been with Vandy fans and North Carolina fans at the Music City Bowl. But even then, it was just some jawing and honestly there were plenty of Vol fans acting just as stupid.

I've never understood getting so worked up over sports.

Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe once wrote that you will see more grown men crying when Kentucky loses a tournament basketball game than any other public place including memorial services...It strikes at the heart of their self identity and state pride - Alabama football is close to this.
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I'll share an example. After the 2010 game UGA fans posted all kinds of stories of how terrible it was at Jordan Hare that night, it was also right after the heated game that involved dirty Fairly. In 2012 our boys went in and dominated Auburn, for some reason our fans did not post any horrible stories about their visit.

My point is that sometimes fans get too emotional about some games and will exaggerate like teenagers.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating:

The classlessness of your rival's fanbase is directly proportional to the buttkicking your team just received.
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I've said it before, but it bears repeating:

The classlessness of your rival's fanbase is directly proportional to the buttkicking your team just received.

That may be true but it doesn't mean that classless behavior didn't happen. A fan base can be empowered by a big victory and occasionally (especially during a night game) a mob mentality can take hold. The '91 Tenn game at Florida is a prime example of this. Sports Illustrated ran a lengthy article back in the early '90s, when they were running a special SEC section in the southeast, which detailed some of the abuse Vol fans endured that night. Phillip Fulmer's wife Vicky was quoted as saying she had to defend herself from Gator fans. Our redshirt players including Heath Shuler had to act as human shields to protect our sideline from incoming debris. I have heard so many stories over the years about the behavior of Gator fans that night that although some of it has grown into legend, some of it also has to be true...and I don't think Vicky Fulmer was lying with her account...Fwiw, Spurrier did issue an apology later.
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My wife has worked with this guy for more than 10 years. I've met him a dozen times myself. Sorry I didn't think to ask for a Youtube link when she told me about it. I have zero concern whether you believe it or not.

Lighten up Frances, I'm not doubting your friend's claim.

My point was going forward it should be easier to document and prove bad experiences on the road from out of control rival fans.

I can guarantee you if I came back to my car after a game to find my car vandalized, the first thing I'd do is take a picture with my phone and send it to my insurance agent.
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That may be true but it doesn't mean that classless behavior didn't happen. A fan base can be empowered by a big victory and occasionally (especially during a night game) a mob mentality can take hold. The '91 Tenn game at Florida is a prime example of this. Sports Illustrated ran a lengthy article back in the early '90s, when they were running a special SEC section in the southeast, which detailed some of the abuse Vol fans endured that night. Phillip Fulmer's wife Vicky was quoted as saying she had to defend herself from Gator fans. Our redshirt players including Heath Shuler had to act as human shields to protect our sideline from incoming debris. I have heard so many stories over the years about the behavior of Gator fans that night that although some of it has grown into legend, some of it also has to be true...and I don't think Vicky Fulmer was lying with her account...Fwiw, Spurrier did issue an apology later.

That 1991 game was easily the most out of control I’ve seen our students for a home game.

My last semester at UF was fall 1990, the year UT destroyed us 45-3 in Neyland. It wasn’t bad enough we got our asses handed to us, many (not all) UF fans who made the trip claimed it was the worst experience they’ve had at a road game.

While leaving the stadium, our band had rocks and debris thrown at them, had some students attempt to steal instruments and start fights. During the game some (not all) UT students chanted “Our students don’t die”, mocking the five UF students who were murdered by serial killer Danny Rolling just as the fall semester started in August.

When news got back to Gainesville about the chant, our students circled the calendar for the return game in Gainesville. I’ve always said I don’t discount anything our students may have said or done to UT fans in 1991. Our students were out for blood that night. Cups raining down on the UT section, verbal harassment, cars getting keyed….all that stuff happened in 1991.
I live close to Athens, and we go there often. I've only been to one Tennessee/ uga game there, but every time we go I wear my orange. I've never had any trouble. Other than some friendly trash talk, nobody ever has said anything.
The letter is probably an exaggeration, but I bet it's founded in truth
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I believe the crap-talking. Everything else is BS.

I tend to agree .. Ive heard of similar things happening at Philadelphia Eagles games and Giants games.. but the NFL crowd is a different animal than the college football crowd.

I think I'm calling BS until I see some substantial video
I tend to agree .. Ive heard of similar things happening at Philadelphia Eagles games and Giants games.. but the NFL crowd is a different animal than the college football crowd.

I think I'm calling BS until I see some substantial video

I've been to one NFL game, a Falcons-Packers game in Atlanta. NFL fans are hostile.
Worst experience was UF in 1993. Most shocking experience was LSU in 1992.

At UF in '93, most of the gator fans were nice, but I remember being cursed out by a little boy and his dad. The dad I would have just dismissed, but letting your kid talk like that, well, that was a bit much. Plus we had a weirdo in UF attire following one of our cheerleaders after the game. (I was in POTS and the cheerleaders travelled with us.)

LSU in 1992 was just a culture shock. First time on a wet campus and alcohol was everywhere. At the game, a team came out of the tunnel and the fans started hurling beer bottles at them. I assumed it was our team, but nope, it was their own. They pretty much left our team alone and saved the abuse for their own team.
I've been to one NFL game, a Falcons-Packers game in Atlanta. NFL fans are hostile.

I went with some buddies of mine that are Eagles fans to an Eagles @ Dallas game. That was where I got a my first hand experience of NFL fan hostility.. those Dallas fans were throwing beers and stuff at us. I dont know about spit.. but lots of trash talking
I went with some buddies of mine that are Eagles fans to an Eagles @ Dallas game. That was where I got a my first hand experience of NFL fan hostility.. those Dallas fans were throwing beers and stuff at us. I dont know about spit.. but lots of trash talking

I was at the Rams-Broncos game last week. It was the complete opposite. Both fanbases left each other alone.
I am a mild mannered person by nature. However, if you spit on me it's go time. I don't care who does it, nothing more disgusting and demeaning as that.

Agreed. I take the ass whipping because someone is getting the piss knocked out of them.

I find it hard to believe that this happened unless the Auburn fans were in a rough bar. UGA fans are arrogant douches but I've never seen any act this way; I could believe one or two drunk Aholes but this many?

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