Auburn fan writes letter of mistreatment in Athens

My wife works with an Auburn fan who's gone to every UGA-Auburn game for I think it was 18 years. Came in Monday and said it was so bad this time that he'd never go back to Athens. Apparently he tailgated with a group of Auburn fans and when they got back after the game a bunch of them had had their tires slashed. Charming.

Weird. I've never had issues like that with UGA fans. I wonder why the sudden change?

If situations like this were actually happening, they'd be on youtube by now.

True, the bammer tea-bagger and drunk fighting woman are proof of that.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating:

The classlessness of your rival's fanbase is directly proportional to the buttkicking your team just received.

Except for bammers, who will resort to the behavior above even when winning.

Your unique expertise on this matter is appreciated.
True, the bammer tea-bagger and drunk fighting woman are proof of that.

Except for bammers, who will resort to the behavior above even when winning.

Your unique expertise on this matter is appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by to prove my point.
May I remind everyone that UGA/AUB is like how we view TN/FL or TN/ALA?

TN/UGA not much hate. But I'm sure UGA hates some of those other teams

(Still think butthurt Aubie is lyin though)
Sounds to me like this dude and his buddies were little b*tches. I went to the UT game in Athens this year and only had one issue. It was on the bus on the way to the game and a drunk frat guy thought he was going to yell Vols suck to my 8 year old son. I am not saying that I am some steroid freak looking SOB but I am a fairly big fella. Although he decided to change his plans when I leaned down and whispered into his ear that he would be eating his d*ck if he did. We didn't have another single issue. Actually the guy and his buddies apologized and bought my son a hotdog and a drink when we got in the gates.

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