"Here is some hard TrUeTh.....Austin aignt and never was coming.....He isn't as good as you try to advertise him....TrUeTh....He can go to UT-K and watch us win and win while he and ole Stokes party it up, and wonder what coulda been but didn't.....Mean while Devin Willaims Is gonna be the Next Memphis Tiger commit, and rock this class out....And that Crazy UT-K people is making a STATEment.....Josh and this staff hand pick and out recruit you 24-7 and that will not change....And UNless you are UK and Coach Cal, then you can't stand with Josh in the recruiting circles he and this staff are in....Believe That....And Best Believe we are walking in and out of the ATL 2013 National Champs......One Team, One Goal, No Egos.....Like Real Deal Adonis "Money" Thomas his game and a bunch of our Teams game is NBA MADE.....That's making a STATEment.....The World Is Ours Memphis.....And remember this...Damon played in the NBA, was Rookie of the year, An NBA ALL Star, Coaches with the Grizzlies, and knows a thing or two.....Jimmy Willaims Coached Kevin McHale, Kevin Garnett and others and made them Stars, He knows how to coach some bigs, let me tell ya, And AKI Collins knows a thing or two as well, and like Josh and Damon well connected in the recruiting circles.....We are more than fine, and guys who wanna Really get to the league know this......The World Is Ours Memphis...."
I'm literally speechless...I know some of you say all fanbases have delusional fans, but can someone find me a VN BB poster who has topped this one?