Aviation Discussion

Still the safest form of travel. Far more people died in the highway since yesterday.
Mostly due to negligence, very few are true "accidents." I'm 36 with a pristine driving record (a few speeding tickets obviously) I'll take my chances. At least it's in my own hands.
Mostly due to negligence, very few are true "accidents." I'm 36 with a pristine driving record (a few speeding tickets obviously) I'll take my chances. At least it's in my own hands.
Control is a fallacy. When you are driving down a two lane road at 60 miles per hour, you can't guarantee that you can avoid a head on. Air space is the most regulated space on the planet.
I've toured a tower, but not a center. Would love to see that operation. Gotta say, by and large we a very spoiled with really good controllers at all levels in most places here in the US.

If you’re ever in Indy, I can help make it happen. Know a few down in ATL who could get you in there as well.

Most days aren’t too bad, but those high volume days in the summer with thunderstorms or crap rides are when we earn it.
Probably need a new thread, but We(USA) have a interstate hwy system that is way over crowded. Came home from Destin to Nashville on I-65 last Friday, and it was nearly bumper to bumper the whole way. I-40 through TN is the same way. A major problem is the number of tractor trailors on the road.
Maybe go to three lanes?
Probably need a new thread, but We(USA) have a interstate hwy system that is way over crowded. Came home from Destin to Nashville on I-65 last Friday, and it was nearly bumper to bumper the whole way. I-40 through TN is the same way. A major problem is the number of tractor trailors on the road.
Maybe go to three lanes?
I-40 has gotten so bad. Memphis to Knoxville for football games is starting to wear on me. Not a relaxing drive at all unless you do it at night or super early morning.
Probably need a new thread, but We(USA) have a interstate hwy system that is way over crowded. Came home from Destin to Nashville on I-65 last Friday, and it was nearly bumper to bumper the whole way. I-40 through TN is the same way. A major problem is the number of tractor trailors on the road.
Maybe go to three lanes?
If you build it they will come.
I-40 has gotten so bad. Memphis to Knoxville for football games is starting to wear on me. Not a relaxing drive at all unless you do it at night or super early morning.
Seems like all the I-40 fatality accidents are on the stretch between the cookeville exits.
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Nearly 9 wonderful hours of USAF Eagle's & Lightning's from RAF Lakenheath this morning.

Dad was stationed at Mildenhall, just down the road from Lakenheath, when I was in college and I got to spend 2 summers there. Loved getting to watch 15’s everyday, awesome plane.
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