Bachmann literally proves she is an idiot

You'll take Christie but not Perry?

Why? Is your anti religious feelings that strong?

Christie would plow over you liberals like a dozer and you wouldn't even know what hit you. You should fear Christie way more than Perry but because Christie hasn't made a religious statement you don't care.

Odd man. Very odd.
Irony at its finest. You might want to pick up a dictionary or take an English class before you try to impersonate Daniel Webster again. What a clown.

Help me understand the irony. It's not ironic that I make fun of your limited English and then use words that I understand. That's not how irony works.

Oops, nevermind. There I went assuming you had a handle on those word things again. Just go on living in bliss.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
That whole flap regarding her comment about being submissive I thought was so blown out of proportion. I think everyone in a marriage has to give and take and she wasn't saying she does whatever she's told.

till she's told to make a sammich...
You'll take Christie but not Perry?

Why? Is your anti religious feelings that strong?

Christie would plow over you liberals like a dozer and you wouldn't even know what hit you. You should fear Christie way more than Perry but because Christie hasn't made a religious statement you don't care.

Odd man. Very odd.

Christie hasn't taken money from oil companies while simultaneously calling climate change scientists bold faced liars... yet. I think Christie is a more honest man, even if my views are completely opposite. I can at least live with that. Besides, Texas might have a low er unemployment rate, but the rest of the state sits at the bottom. Plus, he got a freaking D in Economics in college.
I didn't understand the irony either.

Help me understand the irony. It's not ironic that I make fun of your limited English and then use words that I understand. That's not how irony works.

Oops, nevermind. There I went assuming you had a handle on those word things again. Just go on living in bliss.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The media didn't scrutinize Obama during his campaign and look what we have. Let's not make that mistake again. So let's scrutinize all of the oppossition this time. >_>

I dont know why people think this. When the far right says they wanted mire scrutiny, what they mean is that they wanted mire stories questioning his patriotism, his allegiance to black causes, his family background - all the stuff that boils down to the claim that he hates white Christians.

Those claims were already our there. No one who voted for him bought into that crap. So more stories on it would not have made a wit of difference.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I dont know why people think this. When the far right says they wanted mire scrutiny, what they mean is that they wanted mire stories questioning his patriotism, his allegiance to black causes, his family background - all the stuff that boils down to the claim that he hates white Christians.

Those claims were already our there. No one who voted for him bought into that crap. So more stories on it would not have made a wit of difference.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

people bought into white guilt
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why would he feel the need to release his records? He's American, and he beat the dogs*#% out of the other Americans who ran in '08. Just because a few racists were scared of having a black president is no reason to release birth records.. I think it would only be fair for everyone who questions his birth records to present their own.

That's just plain stupid. I'm sorry but it is NOT about race. The man had a father who was not a US citizen. During the time around his birth, his parents lived outside the country. There were "reports" that family members said he was born in Kenya. The questions were raised because there was reason to question. Jesse Jackson ran for President and no one questioned his birth. Why? Because there was not reason to.


Did they ever let Bush's NG service go? Did they dig up everything they could about his college days? Did they ignore the release of Palin's emails? Have they hesitated at all in digging up anything they can on the current GOP field?
I truly am. If her, Santorum, or Perry are elected, I'm out of this country. I could probably deal with Romney, Paul, Huntsman, or Christie if he runs.

That's ridiculous but if you cannot take someone as main stream as either Perry or Santorum because of bigotry against religious convictions... then maybe you'd be better off somewhere else.

Sometimes you seem pretty reasonable... this post is not one of those times.
You'll take Christie but not Perry?

Why? Is your anti religious feelings that strong?

Christie would plow over you liberals like a dozer and you wouldn't even know what hit you. You should fear Christie way more than Perry but because Christie hasn't made a religious statement you don't care.

Odd man. Very odd.

Supposedly the tolerant left does not hold people's religious convictions against them... unless of course they're conservative evangelicals. That transgression is worthy of an exception to the principle of having no religious test for office.
Christie hasn't taken money from oil companies while simultaneously calling climate change scientists bold faced liars... yet. I think Christie is a more honest man, even if my views are completely opposite. I can at least live with that. Besides, Texas might have a low er unemployment rate, but the rest of the state sits at the bottom. Plus, he got a freaking D in Economics in college.

That's ridiculous but if you cannot take someone as main stream as either Perry or Santorum because of bigotry against religious convictions... then maybe you'd be better off somewhere else.

Sometimes you seem pretty reasonable... this post is not one of those times.

I'm a bigot because I don't like religious bigots? Really? I listed above why I would prefer the others over Perry and religion was not mentioned. Santorum's anti-gay stance kills it all for me. And Bachmann speaks for itself, I've posted several reasons why she is incredibly insane. If they stuck to, "I'm a Christian, I believe in Christian values, but that's my personal decision," then I would have no qualms with their religious convictions.
I dont know why people think this. When the far right says they wanted mire scrutiny, what they mean is that they wanted mire stories questioning his patriotism,
Only if the facts justified it. The press should have fully fleshed out his relationships with radicals. They should have opened up his college career and statements he may have made. They should have followed up and made him explain statements he made.

If Laura Bush had made a statement similar to Michelle Obama's about being finally proud of her country... You seriously do no think it would have been beaten up? If not properly answered, that alone would end the campaign of a GOP candidate.

his allegiance to black causes,
Who questioned that? His allegiance to Wright and black liberation theology is COMPLETELY relevant because of what that theology teaches about politics, economics, and race relations.

his family background
He kept that going. If the documents released laterly were available and legit then all he had to do was release them and have them vetted by the FEC.

all the stuff that boils down to the claim that he hates white Christians.
The theology of the pastor he loved as a mentor and listened to for 20 years very clearly and unapologetically teaches hatred for white people.

The parallel would be if a GOP candidate had attended Westboro or a Aryan Brotherhood church.

Those claims were already our there. No one who voted for him bought into that crap. So more stories on it would not have made a wit of difference.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Yes they were out there. Instead of pursuing them and reporting them... the MSM turned it into a case of unfair right wing attacks or at best partisan "gotcha" politics. They used the same method they used during Clinton's problems. Instead of doing investigative reporting on the facts of Obama's issues independent of what anyone said about them.... they reported the political argument between those making the charges and those denying them. It is a very important difference. The truth becomes irrelevant or obscured.

The MSM can say they "reported it" without ever really investigating it to reveal the truth. They treat the accusations and defenses as "subjective" positions without showing interest in objectively challenging either. This is NOT the method they use when the roles are reversed. When a Republican's or especially a conservative's background is in question.... they're all about the "facts".
I'm a bigot because I don't like religious bigots? Really?
It is pretty typical of a bigot to blame the object of their bigotry for causing them to be bigoted. Can't you simply say "I disagree" with them. You are not extending the "tolerance" and understanding that you demand. You have to name call and demonize. You DEMAND they agree with you or else behave like they do. Again, very typical of a bigot. You might want to reference Mat 7:3-5.
I listed above why I would prefer the others over Perry and religion was not mentioned. Santorum's anti-gay stance kills it all for me.
By anti-gay, I'm guessing you mean that they might propose "sensitivity training" for homosexuals who offend Christians in the workplace, right? I guess you mean that they would try to justify forcing homosexuals to support/endorse churches against their will, right? Maybe they are proposing that private adoption agencies run by homosexuals should be forced to place kids in conservative Christian homes that declare the practice immoral, right?

Nah.... didn't think so.
And Bachmann speaks for itself, I've posted several reasons why she is incredibly insane. If they stuck to, "I'm a Christian, I believe in Christian values, but that's my personal decision," then I would have no qualms with their religious convictions.

Right... as long as Christians shut up and behave like non-Christians and allow the left to trample their rights... you have no problem with them. Come on Volatile. Do we have to travel this same path over and over? It is NOT bigotry to disagree with homosexuals' desire for state endorsement through marriage laws any more than it is bigotry for states not to endorse the United Methodist Church.

Absence of approval or endorsement is not the same as "bigotry" or hatred.
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sjt - what's your opinion of bigots? You dislike, but tolerate them no? I think most of us do that - but show our frustration on the interwebz.
sjt - what's your opinion of bigots? You dislike, but tolerate them no? I think most of us do that - but show our frustration on the interwebz.

That's a somewhat difficult question to answer. In my personal affairs, I avoid bigots and people who draw strong opinions out of ignorance as a general rule. I disapprove and disassociate as much as possible with people that have an unforgiving "hate" for other people almost regardless of the reason. I might even confront someone if the context were right, ie repeated racist statements in my presence.

Disagreement btw is NOT equivalent to hate. I associate mostly with people who believe and will say that homosexuality is immoral. I do not associate with people who think homosexuals should be locked up, treated as criminals, or mistreated in any way.

Over 20 years ago, I visited a church near our home at the time. I went several times and liked it. One evening the pastor made a simple, off the cuff statement that blacks and whites were different and should not worship together. I left and never went back. His point may have been that there were cultural differences that made things difficult... but I don't agree with that excuse either. It is a travesty that churches are as segregated as they are.

In my professional and public life, I have little tolerance for "bigots". If I knew a local business skirted the "law" to discriminate against a race, I would stop doing business with them. If an employee did something bigoted, they'd face discipline.

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