Actually Louisville may have had more talent or at least even. Izzy was a four star rated in the 40's, Burdick was number five but was way overrated she isn't in the top fifty. Simmons four star in the thirties, Massengale number three has not played to that ranking but has played well. Graves number five in class five star has been a good player.
Talent is about how a player plays not how some service had them ranked.
So Schimmel would be a five star based on play, 41 percent three point shooter 18.1 ppg, Hammond 56 percent from the field, Taylor 54 percent field goal shooter, Bria Smith five star player who we wanted hitting 51 percent from the field. Slaughter and Gibbs better than our bench players.
Schimmel vs.Simmons using statistics Schimmel wins, Hammond over Burdick, Harrison over their post, Smith vs Massengale a tie at best, Taylor vs Graves about even. So using stats you can't say we have more talent.
Three of our starting players are higher rated by services but have been outplayed statistically by Louisville players. On the court is what counts and they have been better on the court players as a team than what we have to this point.
As far as beating Louisville if every player played to their ranking it should have happened. We have players that haven't even played close to their service ranking and never will. So how good are some of our players I would rank several as three and two stars based on their play. That is what their ability should be based on not what they did in high school or what some service thought they were capable of.