Backyard Bird Watchers

I'm going to have to take a birding trip out west some time and see those beautiful birds.

I live less than a mile from a wetland area (inside of Eugene) with tons of birds. I'm not much of a birder, but I do recognize quite a few. I had to look up the Western Tanager. We typically have hundreds of Canada Geese in the area, quite a few Kumorats, Mallards, Blue Herons, Sandhill cranes Redtail Hawks and Egrets. Occasional Cooper Hawks and Bald Eagles.
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Scarlet finches?
These little chirp factories
Two sets of house finches have built nests in the ferns hanging on our front porch. The amount of chirping they do during the day is driving me to violence.
I’ve got a set in a fern on my back porch and they start chirping as soon as the sun comes up..... bastards
?, please expand
Female woodpeckers are attracted to the biggest, loudest peck from males, so the males find something to enhance their pecks. Your gutters amplify the pecks, and after a good nights sleep the males are ready to go, just be grateful you don’t have a metal chimney cover
Female woodpeckers are attracted to the biggest, loudest peck from males, so the males find something to enhance their pecks. Your gutters amplify the pecks, and after a good nights sleep the males are ready to go, just be grateful you don’t have a metal chimney cover

As the co-owner of a metal chimney cover, you got that shite right!!!! I'm a co-owner with a flicker every damn spring. The chimney is directly over my bedroom. Muggerfugger woodpeckers! I bought a Super Soaker and I blast that guy with it whenever I can.

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