Bajakian Says Dobb's Job to Lose

I have seen little in Dobbs performance to give me hope with him at the helm, but then again I am not paid to develop QB talent. I hope he is a monster and the coaches are right, but I honestly just saw nothing last year that made me feel confident about him leading the team.

RF...who knows other than HS film and being an Elite 11 QB. Supposedly he has the mentality and a great arm.

Peterman, I never want to see him lead the VOLS again. Sorry but that was beyond bad. So bad in fact it makes me question the decision making process that led to him being on the field in the first place.

Worley, plain Jane vanilla that might not lose the game for us. Nothing too exciting there.

All in all, I hope someone is cleary above the others and I hope it is obvious by the O&W game. Someone has to step up. If Dobbs, then go Dobbs but again, I have seen nothing from him that gives me confidence. His decision making, which I kind of expected to be outstanding (smart kid and all) gives me the most pause with regard to him.

I kind of wish we landed a Juco QB and he was starting. Oh well, coaches get paid to sort this crap out not me.
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Ok, i'll make this really easy for the Dobbs lovers on here...Tell us all exactly what you saw this past season that gives you encouragement that Dobbs is the qb of the future....Because he can run?...He certainly can't throw...Don't even argue that one...Decision making?...WHAT exactly??...Or is it because he is black and you want to see a black qb at UT?....Didn't want to go there but yes I did and if that is the reason then you are not thinking straight...This isn't a race thing and it should never be....One of my all time favorite qb's at UT was black and I love watching his highlights and that is the great Condrege Holloway...I hope the kid comes out and shows us all what he is made of and wins a lot of games for us but from his first season where IMO I saw nothing that tells me this kid is the future at UT at QB I just don't see it...Lets hear your reasons....Don't give me the he is a freshman excuse either, Even freshman can show some kind of improvement week to week even in losing.

Okay, sure. The Dobbs "moment" for me was in his first collegiate start against the best football team in the country when he rolled out right, then pivoted and fired to a wide open Marquez North in the left corner, exploiting a busted Bama coverage.
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A student worker in football department mentioned that Coach Bajakian has been talking to people like It's Dobbs job to lose. They liked what Dobbs showed last year and are looking forward to see how much he hs improved. They also like his size and improved physique.

Doesn't sound like that's the case. Bad info.
Can we put (rumor) in the thread title because this is horse crap. Also, it's very clearly Worley's to lose just like last year. Doesn't mean he won't lose it mid season, but it's his for sure.
The qb spot should be an open competition going into this season. It's not like anyone nailed down the spot at the end of the 2013 season.
I honestly don't understand where the title of this thread comes from. I follow UT football, like most of us do, very closely from multiple sources. I haven't seen Bajakian say this. Butch certainly never has. He says it's an open competition.
Thanks for spoiling this for me. What TV show are you currently behind on? I'll be sure not to give anything away...

The Governor burns the prison to the ground, scattering everyone. Snape kills Dumbledore. The Titanic sinks. Vader saves Luke in the end by chucking the Emperor over a rail. Walter White saves Jesse Pinkman and avenges Hank's death, but dies of a gunshot that, technically, he fired. Lost was all a dream while they were in purgatory. Simba returns and defeats Scar. Bruce Willis was dead the whole time. Josh Brolin survives against all odds until the end of No Country for Old Men only to be shot dead in a random act of violence by some gang bangers that nobody saw coming. Clint Eastwood sacrifices himself at the end of Gran Torino to set up the Hmong gang bangers, and then sings the outro music while posing dead on the ground like Jesus on the cross. Ray, Peter, Egon and Winston defeat Gozor the Traveler by crossing the streams through a dimensional portal. The Three Amigos defeat El Guapo. ET makes it home. Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer all go to jail.
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I just think it is pretty wide open,for any of our QBs to step up this spring and have a shot at the job and hopefully carry it into the fall practice

to be honest I have no idea who it will be,as most on here don't either,Worley was starting to settle down as the starter last year,till his injury

I can't really hold 2 bad quarters of bad play against Peterman either and wasn't he hurt and wouldn't tell anybody ? I may be wrong on that

to me Dobbs didn't show any improvement in the games he was in or the coaches held him back,which i don't know either way

Fergueson was injured and was supposedly ahead of Dobbs on the depth chart

it does look to me,that all 4 have the chance to win the job,hopefully one of them will stand out this spring

of course spring practice will muddle up a lot of what us fans will be thinking as to who will be the starter come fall
The Governor burns the prison to the ground, scattering everyone. Snape kills Dumbledore. The Titanic sinks. Vader saves Luke in the end by chucking the Emperor over a rail. Walter White saves Jesse Pinkman and avenges Hank's death, but dies of a gunshot that, technically, he fired. Lost was all a dream while they were in purgatory. Simba returns and defeats Scar. Bruce Willis was dead the whole time. Josh Brolin survives against all odds until the end of No Country for Old Men only to be shot dead in a random act of violence by some gang bangers that nobody saw coming. Clint Eastwood sacrifices himself at the end of Gran Torino to set up the Hmong gang bangers, and then sings the outro music while posing dead on the ground like Jesus on the cross. Ray, Peter, Egon and Winston defeat Gozor the Traveler by crossing the streams through a dimensional portal. The Three Amigos defeat El Guapo. ET makes it home. Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer all go to jail.

Dumbledore dies?? :eek:hmy:

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