
The key to beating Bama is putting the game in JPW's hands and making him throw down field. It's been play action, dink and dunk etc all night. Shutting the run game down will help stop that.
Its going to hit orleans hard again. Yeah thats sad if it floods again. Some land was never meant to be built on. I think new orleans fits into this category.
Some guy on one of the ESPN Gameplan channels was giving a preview of our game a few minutes ago....I have no idea who he was, but I liked what he had to say :). He noted that UT was a very underrated team in his opinion, with one of the best secondaries in the nation with EB and Morley (and noted Morley's hiatus)....he praised Adkins' coaching of the OL......let's hope he is right.

That's interesting because I just checked govolsxtra and they gave out grades for the preseason. The O-line got a C+. The secondary got an A. I'm a little concerned about our O-line because they should be dominating.
Its a cat 4 already.

This hurricane was amazing in how fast it progressed. In approximately a 24 hour period it went from a tropical storm to a category 4 hurricane....being just 6 mph shy of a category 5 hurricane as of the last advisory I saw. Wow....just wow. The good news is that it will likely weaken some between now and when it makes landfall in LA or TX. However, the flooding will be the problem with a lot of LA...and the wind speed doesn't have as much to do with that.

Also...god bless the people of Cuba...they're getting lashed tonight.

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