Looks like once again we're going to watch the crappy voting system of NCAA Football screw over the more deserving team. All those pin heads who spend their careers voting their beloved Ohio State as high as they possibly can. Regardless of the fact that Ohio State cannot NOT beat Clemson, Georgia, Oklahoma or Alabama. They have two loses while Bama has 1.
Enough with the voting. A real playoff system is required now. Let the National Championship be settled on the field. Not at the desks of a bunch of agenda driven MSM morons or coaches. Especially those goblins at ESPN.
Enough of this crap!
It's not fair to the players or the fans.
From the 10 Conferences, send the top 2 teams from each conference, and add a few wild cards.
Drop the regular season to 8 games, a round robin conference system.
A playoff system can be worked out some way. There's such a system in every other sport, even 2A and 3A football.
The committee will not want to answer questions about bias if they let OSU in this year. It would directly contradict the precedent they set last year... to the benefit of a singular school.
Nobody wants to be bombarded with that kind of accusation.
UCF??? They aren't going to put them in the playoff. Lmao
Damn BOT, I need what your having.
The announcers seemed to now be very fond of Schiano now. Its funny to think that if Ohio State with 2 losses jumps Bama, that the committee could feel sorry for him and put OSU in. Not likely that is the case, but any small chance of us causing Bama to be left out makes me smile. Bring on the subpeonas Bammers.
I don't like Alabama or Ohio St, but what is the purpose of having a conference championship game if you're not going to put the Big 10 Confrence Champion in the playoffs with the rest of the conference game champions? Honestly how many of you only want Alabama just because they're SEC ?
I don't like Alabama or Ohio St, but what is the purpose of having a conference championship game if you're not going to put the Big 10 Confrence Champion in the playoffs with the rest of the conference game champions? Honestly how many of you only want Alabama just because they're SEC ?
Include all the power 5 conference champs and let them argue over who gets the last 3 spots.I think the situation last year and especially this year should lead to expanding the playoffs to 8 teams.
There is a legit argument over who is number 4. I don't like any of the teams arguing over the 4th spot, but I could make a case for USC, Bama, and OSU.
If you go to 8 teams you eliminate that. Of course some will argue over the 6 teams competing for the 8th spot, but it's better than where we are now.
I'm too lazy to look right this second but it might get interesting letting smaller conference champs take 6-8 so it's an all championship event and give the little man a chance to make some upsets. Think march madness type stuff here.
I can't see them leaving Ohio St. out.
They want the Conference Champs in the Playoff if possible