Barack the Birther

Donald Trump Goes On Epic Birther Rant (VIDEO)

Trump is flapping his jaws about it again. LOL You can bet Romney isn't liking this one bit. I am starting to think that either Trump and Romney really hate one another or Trump has been hired by Obama to taint Mitt.

Romney and Trump are doing a fund raiser together in Las Vegas.
On the news this morning Romney was asked about the birther issue and Trump. His answer was something like his supporters do not agree with him on every issue and he does not agree with his supporters on all issues
Donald Trump Goes On Epic Birther Rant (VIDEO)

Trump is flapping his jaws about it again. LOL You can bet Romney isn't liking this one bit. I am starting to think that either Trump and Romney really hate one another or Trump has been hired by Obama to taint Mitt.

Are you kidding ?

Anything that de-legitimizes Obama - true or not - is lapped up by Romney's campaign. They get to raise the issue, subtly say "maybe" and benefit and move on.
Wonder who deleted my last post from this thread?

I lose a little more respect for volfreak each day he allows this farciful board monitoring to go on.

On the one hand one group can use words like 'retard', 'moron', 'idiot' etc etc, allow stalking other posters that make silly ankle biting personal attacks that have absolutely nothing to do with a topic on a habitual basis and the monitor who is by his own admission biased to the hilt and has nothing at all to do with Tennessee or the Vol nation and who will delete any post from the opposing group that even has the slightest hint of a reply of like kind.

A sadazzed situation to say the least.

Well, if somebody said it in a Masters Thesis...

It is unheard of for an editor of a univeristy law review to not write at least one signed article.
Obama wrote none.

I'm confused. What's the current theory?

That someone planted a fake birth certificate in 1961?

Or that someone planted one in the last ten years, then renumbered others, and somehow did it with no one noticing?

Oh, and planted a fake announcement in the Hawaii newspaper archives?


How hard is it for you to understand that no Hawaian birth certificate for BHO from 1961 exists?

BTW, some people did notice.

Interesting that he completed his thesis and turned it in to reviewers on April 19, 2011; Obama released his long-form birth certificate on April 27, 2011. Thus, making this kid's entire thesis pretty much garbage can material...I will keep reading, though; maybe, just maybe, he has some smoking-gun evidence.

The internet document released by Obama was quickly proven to be a forgery, maybe you overlooked that factoid.

If you were going to actually read the article I posted in reply to your post then you would have had to read it quickly before it was deleted.

"Now Adams emphatically states in his Masters Thesis:*“. . .in my professional opinion, Barack Obama was NOT (emphasis added) born in the United States, and there is no Hawaii long-form birth certificate.”**(Pg. 30, 31)*

In my professional opinion anyone who believes Obama was not born in Hawaii
is a complete moron.

Riiiiight, Gramps knows more about it that the senior Hawaiian elections clerk!

Simple question, if there was a Hawaii long-form birth certificate then why has Barry Soetoro spent over $2 million in legal fees trying to avoid the issue in numerous court cases?

Wouldn't it just be much simpler to produce the document in court and settle the issue once and for all?

It's easy to call other people morons, morons do it all the time.
Wonder who deleted my last post from this thread?

I lose a little more respect for volfreak each day he allows this farciful board monitoring to go on.

On the one hand one group can use words like 'retard', 'moron', 'idiot' etc etc, allow stalking other posters that make silly ankle biting personal attacks that have absolutely nothing to do with a topic on a habitual basis and the monitor who is by his own admission biased to the hilt and has nothing at all to do with Tennessee or the Vol nation and who will delete any post from the opposing group that even has the slightest hint of a reply of like kind.

A sadazzed situation to say the least.

It is unheard of for an editor of a univeristy law review to not write at least one signed article.
Obama wrote none.

How hard is it for you to understand that no Hawaian birth certificate for BHO from 1961 exists?

BTW, some people did notice.

The internet document released by Obama was quickly proven to be a forgery, maybe you overlooked that factoid.

If you were going to actually read the article I posted in reply to your post then you would have had to read it quickly before it was deleted.

Riiiiight, Gramps knows more about it that the senior Hawaiian elections clerk!

Simple question, if there was a Hawaii long-form birth certificate then why has Barry Soetoro spent over $2 million in legal fees trying to avoid the issue in numerous court cases?

Wouldn't it just be much simpler to produce the document in court and settle the issue once and for all?

It's easy to call other people morons, morons do it all the time.

Fox news is no friend of Obama

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit | Fox News

Fox is no friend of mine, they are about 25% owned by the Saudis.

Will Obama

Will June 18 be the day the Obama Candidacy goes down in flames in the Florida courtroom of Judge Terry Lewis? The judge who made the call in the historic 2000 Gore V. Bush presidential election case isn’t backing off from requiring Barack Obama appear before him to present evidence supporting his claim that Natural Born Citizen status doesn’t really mean a child born of two citizen parents born in the USA. (1)

Democrat Plaintiff Michael Voeltz, a duly registered Democrat voter of Broward County (an Al Gore stronghold along Florida’s southeast coastline), is bringing his challenge to Obama’s inclusion on Florida’s Presidential ballot next November.

His attorney Larry Klayman cites Supreme Court decision Minor v. Happersett from 1875 as defining just what NBC means. “The framers were not stupid. They understood that a president with divided loyalties could present security and other risks for our nation,”

Eight different attorneys have represented Obama and other defendants including FL Secretary of State Ken Detzner, and the Election Canvassing Commission.

Judge Lewis told the Obama team “to cite AUTHORITY on which they based their argument” that having two citizen parents isn’t necessary to be a NBC. Our Founders realized winning the war didn’t preclude the other side from giving up, and that’s why they put the NBC clause into our Constitution. So the hot, humid heat of a Florida summer once again becomes America’ battleground in this never before Constitutional Crisis of a sitting President having to prove he has the right to be in the Oval Office.

In case you missed the news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” you can now view it here: How to get Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s special report on the investigation into Barack Obama’s eligibility

(I can get you a better copy of that in case you can't understand.)
So now that he produced a birth certificate and skull f**d Trump with it, the test shifts to become that, not only do you have to be born in the US, your parents also had to be citizens beforehand?

Sounds like a pretty smarmy way of simply reminding people that his father was Kenyan.
Fox is no friend of mine, they are about 25% owned by the Saudis.

Will Obama

Since you and "Coach Collins" think that in some manner the SCOTUS decision in Minor v. Happersett solved the "natural-born citizen" issue, and in a manner which would exclude Obama, I will actually cite the opinion of the court:

The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens. The words "all children" are certainly as comprehensive, when used in this connection, as "all persons," and if females are included in the last they must be in the first. That they are included in the last is not denied. In fact the whole argument of the plaintiffs proceeds upon that idea.

Minor v. Happersett

Oh, look, Minor v. Happersett tells us nothing other than: individuals born in the U.S. to parents who are American citizens are natural-born citizens, and individuals born in the U.S. to parents who are not citizens might be natural-born citizens.
Since you and "Coach Collins" think that in some manner the SCOTUS decision in Minor v. Happersett solved the "natural-born citizen" issue, and in a manner which would exclude Obama, I will actually cite the opinion of the court:

Oh, look, Minor v. Happersett tells us nothing other than: individuals born in the U.S. to parents who are American citizens are natural-born citizens, and individuals born in the U.S. to parents who are not citizens might be natural-born citizens.

Coach is just reporting the argument being presented in court.

More from the coach:

“Shocking new documents have surfaced proving Obama

Barack Obama’s deftly crafted high jump to fame may be rapidly collapsing according to GLOBE MAGAZINE’s latest world exclusive expose. “Shocking new documents have surfaced proving . .Obama was born in Kenya.”

The piece claims: Barack and Michelle Obama’s marriage has hit the skids, an insider informant is telling the GLOBE who was out front with telling Americans what no other MSM source would tell them about their governance!

“Obama has taken a serious one-two punch,” the insider says as congressional hearings are predicted in a very reluctant Congress that has not done due diligence in vetting the Presidency for its constituents.

I realize that's a tabloid but hey, aren't they the one who busted John Edwards about his love child??

How did that turn out?

So now that he produced a birth certificate and skull f**d Trump with it, the test shifts to become that, not only do you have to be born in the US, your parents also had to be citizens beforehand?

Sounds like a pretty smarmy way of simply reminding people that his father was Kenyan.

The only people who were skull f**d are those who don't know the internet document is as bogus as a three dollar bill.

It could be smarmy since the suit is brought by a registered Florida democrat, they do have a reputation for being smarmy.

We are quoting the GLOBE, now? Well, it is a step up from most of your sources.
The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Obama's Eligibility Saga Continues (Unreported): The Dirtiest Secret of All

Earlier this spring, President Obama’s attorney Alexandra Hill went to court in New Jersey over a challenge to her client’s eligibility to appear on the 2012 presidential primary ballot.

New Jersey citizens, represented by attorney Mario Apuzzo, made two claims: that Barack Obama has not proved he meets the conditions for presidential eligibility (namely, that he is a “natural born citizen”), and that the proof Obama released attesting to his bona fides (an Internet image of his long-form birth certificate) is fraudulent.

Hill’s argument? A presidential candidate has no obligation under New Jersey state law to prove his eligibility, period.

Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin agreed with Hill and ruled in Obama’s favor. He further asserted that, absent such an obligation, the Internet image of Obama’s birth certificate – the same image Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigators believe to be a forgery – is “legally irrelevant.”

The upshot for New Jersey? As the president’s attorney put it, “you could have Mickey Mouse” on the presidential ballot so long as he received the requisite 1,000 petition signatures.

Surprise, surprise, the appeals court upheld President Obama’s eligibility. The judges, along with Obama’s counsel, agreed that any eligibility questions should be kicked upstairs to Congress and the Electoral College – and after the November 2012 election.

That’ll be the day. Of course, the best way to settle the matter would be for Congress to investigate immediately: Is President Obama eligible to run for re-election? What’s up with that funky online ID of his? No junior high school would hire a P.E. teacher on the strength of that.

That’ll be the day, too. Congress has shirked its responsibility since 2008, when the U.S. Senate affirmed Sen. John McCain’s eligibility to become president but not then-Sen. Barack Obama’s.

Why not?

Good news for the "Party" party, now all we need to get on the ballot is a 1,000 party goer signatures and we're back in business.

My party picks this election are Ray Stevens and Larry the cable guy.

I'm wondering shouldn't we at least strike Article II Section I from the Constitution just to be on the safe side?

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