All true...
but after reading this thread, it is clear that the general public is probably as divided on why as these opinions...the truth is that there are people out there, still, that will accuse Bonds simply because he's black. they are the same people that hoped he'd never catch Babe Ruth's HR mark.
There is also a big segment of people, like me, that just think he's an a$$, and when you do look at his production as he's gotten much, much older, and the difference in body type as he's gotten older, that lends me to believe that he took, is taking, something.
Lance gets more of pass, probably because of reasons 1 & 3, not that many people least as long as it's proven untrue or you don't live in France, that is.
McGwire has taken a big time PR hit since his time on the Hill...i was in St. Louis not too long ago, and i was talking about that very thing with a guy i work with there, and he said that basically, the community had no further use for him. Not that he was ostrisized or anything, but that his popularity was at an all time low.
as a Cubs fan, i was a big Sosa fan....and as time has gone on, the corked bat, possible use of steroids etc...he's taken a hit as well, but not as much as MacGwire and Bonds..probably because he got of of CHI and retired...and wasn't a factor his last year in CHI....which was 04 right? played in Baltimore last year, and is now retired if memory serves.