I'm ready for the first exhibition, ready to see these guys hit the court with my own eyes. There seems to be positive reviews on guys going about 10 deep, which is a great thing for creating competitive practices.
At point guard we've heard that Thompson is truly among it a battle for the starting spot with Antonio Barton. I don't think anyone predicted that, but that's great news for the future of Tennesee at PG.
At SG/SF the reports have been raving about McRae and Richardson, Josh seems to be the early prediction for most improved player, largely in part to an improved shot. Then behind those 2 were hearing great things about Hubbs and Moore, Moore even being referred to as the best player on the court after one practice.
In the post there seems to be some surprises. Maymon seems to be 100% and just like his old self but with an improved jumper. Stokes is playing about 15 pounds lighter which is allowing him to be quicker and more explosive and has earned positive reviews. Then you've AJD who has probably been the biggest surprise so far this year of the freshman class, being said right now he's likely the backup 4. Pops has proven to be both much better offensively than Yemi, and much more willing to run than his big body would suggest.
Ready for the season!