Berry's on Hooker show

Totally understand the love for the brothers Berry, but do you not think DTs are important? We really need 3 in this class. If you're not winning the line of scrimmage, you're not winning the game. A roster full of nothing but 5* qbs, rbs, and wrs isn't going to win. You have to cover every position of need.

To be fair, I'd rather have solid tacklers with speed than some DT's...that's if I had to choose one for us right now. We aren't getting killed at the line. We just give up way to many big plays from missed tackles in the secondary. I dunno, at this point I'm just going to trust whatever CBJ is cooking up instead of thinking that we don't have enough here or there just bc of what we have done in the past.
Need more than a couple of DT's in this class IMO, but your point is still true. These kids have schollies waiting on them whenever they want to pull the trigger.

3 DT would be huge. Maybe one more DE, and definitely the Berry twins. Hang onto them all through national signing day, and we have the foundation for a national championship.
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To be fair, I'd rather have solid tacklers with speed than some DT's...that's if I had to choose one for us right now. We aren't getting killed at the line. We just give up way to many big plays from missed tackles in the secondary. I dunno, at this point I'm just going to trust whatever CBJ is cooking up instead of thinking that we don't have enough here or there just bc of what we have done in the past.

Check out this year's lineup, and notice how many DT's we have that are seniors. And you should note that for that position, no matter how highly touted a DT recruit is, they usually see limited playing time their freshman year. Getting them properly conditioned and trained takes at least a year. To stop the run in the SEC, you have to first have those big body guys to jam up the interior. Force them to run around the ends, where the ends and outside linebackers can chase them down.

The other reason I believe we need more DT is this; with the fast and furious offense Jones has been running at Cincinnati and now will run here, you need extra tackles on defense to come in and give some relief to the starters. Sure, we are getting every player better conditioned, but if we give the biggest guys a break every few series, they can play harder throughout the entire game.

Nearly every other position of need has been addressed in this recruiting class. If we can bring in one JUCO, and 2 freshmen DTs, I believe this recruiting class will be as close to complete of a class that Tennessee has ever had. GBO
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To be fair, I'd rather have solid tacklers with speed than some DT's...that's if I had to choose one for us right now. We aren't getting killed at the line. We just give up way to many big plays from missed tackles in the secondary. I dunno, at this point I'm just going to trust whatever CBJ is cooking up instead of thinking that we don't have enough here or there just bc of what we have done in the past.

Currently we have 5 LB commits, 4 DB commits, and 0 DT commits. Do you see the glaring hole now? We need DTs.
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Currently we have 5 LB commits, 4 DB commits, and 0 DT commits. Do you see the glaring hole now? We need DTs.

And yet we still have 17 DL already on the team with 5 DT's that will be here after this's funny how some people start complaining the second we become relevant in something. As I have stated, we have offered plenty of DT's...but it's probably not easy to convince every kid to come to a program that is not exactly been successful in a while,
This is hard to listen to with them both on there. I have no idea which one is which.
I bet they get that a lot...

From what I understand, one of them is Eric's Brother and the other one is that one's twin.

James is the Daddy.

I am hoping that clears it up.
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We're taking the Berry twins. We need to and we should.

Stop kidding yourselves and occupying your offseason time with this ridiculous debate.

Said they don't know when they'll make their decision but UT is the only school they've visited. Also said that "you could say Tennessee is in pretty good shape." Evan also said he'd like to play offense because "that's where the money is." Smart dude lol. They also said UT had the best fans in all of coolege football. I got out of it that, as we've been assuming, they're vol locks.

Simple typo but made me LOL :lolabove:

I think they're definitely gonna be vols, especially if we see the post season this year. UT goes bowling and everyone will KNOW we're on the rise
I think some other schools haven't invested a lot of time & effort with the Berry's because they figured it was basically a lost cause with the Tennessee ties. Im surprised UGA/Pollack haven't been on them though since Richt has built that fence around Georgia to keep Tennessee out!
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Shouldn't it be Berries on


I appreciate the humor but it sholuld be "Berrys" and not "Berry's" in the title. No apostrophe for plural. That only applies to possession.

And yes I did stay awake for English class in school. Wish some of the other people on here did also.
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I appreciate the humor but it sholuld be "Berrys" and not "Berry's" in the title. No apostrophe for plural. That only applies to possession.

And yes I did stay awake for English class in school. Wish some of the other people on here did also.
you did
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I appreciate the humor but it sholuld be "Berrys" and not "Berry's" in the title. No apostrophe for plural. That only applies to possession.

And yes I did stay awake for English class in school. Wish some of the other people on here did also.
I appreciate the humor but it sholuld be "Berrys" and not "Berry's" in the title. No apostrophe for plural. That only applies to possession.

And yes I did stay awake for English class in school. Wish some of the other people on here did also.

Can you use that in a sentence please using both Berry's? Thank you.
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I might be the only one who thinks this, but i didn't like the way he interviewed the twins.
I wish he would have interviewed them as individuals and not as Eric's younger brothers. I mean they want recognition and to be recruited on what they've done not who there related to. I just think he could have done a better job. On another note it did seem like a good chance Tenn is the front runner and it was good to have them shine some light on what there thinking.

Overall C+ interview

Oh and thanks for posting the link to the interview CagleMtnVol
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I might be the only one who thinks this, but i didn't like the way he interviewed the twins.
I wish he would have interviewed them as individuals and not as Eric's younger brothers. I mean they want recognition and to be recruited on what they've done not who there related to. I just think he could have done a better job. On another note it did seem like a good chance Tenn is the front runner and it was good to have them shine some light on what there thinking.

Overall C+ interview

Oh and thanks for posting the link to the interview CagleMtnVol
And creepy
And yet we still have 17 DL already on the team with 5 DT's that will be here after this's funny how some people start complaining the second we become relevant in something. As I have stated, we have offered plenty of DT's...but it's probably not easy to convince every kid to come to a program that is not exactly been successful in a while,

And how many of those guys have seen playing time? Did you take into account any that might be walk-ons? Looking at the roster myself, the only two that might have an impact after this season are Carr and O'Brien. Carson and Saulsberry have shown nothing in their time here. They were questionable takes when we took them. So, other than Carr and O'Brien, who do we have after this season at DT? You need guys to rotate in to keep the starters from wearing out.

Yes, we've offered some DTs, but the coaches need to start focusing on the position. It's our greatest need right now. I would love to get the brothers Berry, but DTs are more important right now. Hopefully we have schollies for all, but we need to get 3DTs to build depth. Surely you can see this. It's time to spotlight DTs, even if they are currently committed elsewhere, and sell what we have to offer. Butch needs to lead the charge. This class isn't a success without at least 2 DTs(though we really need 3). Disagree all you want, but Butch cannot win games without winning the line of scrimmage. I'm sure he knows this, but do you?

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