Best wife ever!

congrats on going to your first game, the sad part is i have seen tickets for this game as low as $21 for 3. but none the less you'll never forget it.
Nice looking family. Enjoy the whole Vol experience. Take that woman out somewhere really nice and treat her like the queen of queens to show her how much you appreciate her.
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My wife surprised me tonight with tickets to my (and my two boys) first Vols game at Neyland Stadium.

They are for South Alabama on 9-28-13.

I know this isn't Florida, Bama, or UGA... but man, its great to be a VOL!!!

I can't wait to suit up in my orange and white and just be there at Neyland with my boys... Simply awesome! I have the best wife ever!

GBO!!!! ::pepper:


You got a keeper there Jim. Definitely experience all the pregame stuff with your boys... VolWalk, POTSB playing Rockytop as they march toward Neyland, etc. Congrats on making a great life choice buddy. Go Vols.
I still remember my first game. Auburn 89, I was 10. Auburn was ranked pretty high and we won 21-14 I believe. I wore a shirt that said "hang on johnny majors here I come". I have only missed 3 or 4 home games since. You and and your kids will have a blast.
Thats awesome Jim.

My son will be four next year...thinking about taking em to the O&W game.
you don't sit behind us....cause we STAND! The 'Running thru the T' will change your sons' lives forever! Very happy for you and them....and the wifey!
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you don't sit behind us....cause we STAND! The 'Running thru the T' will change your sons' lives forever! Very happy for you and them....and the wifey!

Sit'n or stand'n is not whoo or not to whoo is the question.

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I suggest going to the strip and getting smashed. The kids can drag you back to the car.
Congrats on the tickets, make sure you go to the vol walk and stay for the marching band. For a great picture go to the top of the stadium, I like downtown and the river as the background. Have a great time and do something nice for your wife.
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My first game was Marshall in 2006 had a blast

If I could sum up that game in 1 word....


We almost got run over by the ref van under the stadium trying to escape the rain.

I was bringing some friends to their first UT game, and I was excited because our seats were directly above the tunnel from which they run out and through the T. First time they didn't run through the T in, like, 50 years or something.

Sounds like a Bad Luck Brian meme.

But I did see the hand off to Coker, and then he disappeared 100 yards into the distance.
I'll never forget my first time I was so excited yet nervous an anxious all at the same time .it wasn't the best game but when your a young man any game will do aww the memories of my first time. But seriously its an awesome experience hope u all enjoy it
My first game Bama 2012. My wife got me tickets. Other than it feeling like I was in alabama and us getting murdered...I had fun.

I think the loudest the stadium got was the kneel at halftime... or when bama people were cheering.

Hope to go again this wife's a florida/tebow fan. Almost grounds for a divorce.
My wife surprised me tonight with tickets to my (and my two boys) first Vols game at Neyland Stadium.

They are for South Alabama on 9-28-13.

I know this isn't Florida, Bama, or UGA... but man, its great to be a VOL!!!

I can't wait to suit up in my orange and white and just be there at Neyland with my boys... Simply awesome! I have the best wife ever!

GBO!!!! ::pepper:


I hope y'all have a great time. I've been thinking about going to the S. Alabama game or another small opponent. Been to two TN games at Neyland and they let me down each time. Don't want to buy a $150 ticket again and have them lose. Not that I don't feel we can pull an upset. Just want to go to a game where we whoop their ass. I went to the UGA game, forgot the year though. It was Shockley's SR yr at uga. Then I went to the last UT/UF at Neyland with Ole Teblow. Still fun experiencing the atmosphere of a BIG-TIME SEC game. But it takes the fun out of it when you lose an SEC game. I sure hope people actually stand up and get loud when we are on DEFENSE. When I went to the UT/UF game I was surprised how quite it was. I know we were losing. But even when we weren't people really didn't get that loud. It's like people were scared to get up and yell. I didn't have a problem with it, after about a 6-pack in the summer heat. People need to do their part and just get loud. Most people around you want to get loud but don't want to take the lead and start yelling. I feel the fan base is gonna be rocking this year in Neyland. I think they know they owe Butch a true home game advantage for what he has done here. Hope it gets back to being intimidating going into Neyland.
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My wife surprised me tonight with tickets to my (and my two boys) first Vols game at Neyland Stadium.

They are for South Alabama on 9-28-13.

I know this isn't Florida, Bama, or UGA... but man, its great to be a VOL!!!

I can't wait to suit up in my orange and white and just be there at Neyland with my boys... Simply awesome! I have the best wife ever!

GBO!!!! ::pepper:

So is your wife a South Alabama alum?:p
My wife surprised me tonight with tickets to my (and my two boys) first Vols game at Neyland Stadium.

They are for South Alabama on 9-28-13.

I know this isn't Florida, Bama, or UGA... but man, its great to be a VOL!!!

I can't wait to suit up in my orange and white and just be there at Neyland with my boys... Simply awesome! I have the best wife ever!

GBO!!!! ::pepper:

Wait 30 and see if you are dancing around.:)
Only do the vol walk for a moment. It's kind of lame but probably cool for your kids.

100% don't miss the opening with the band and the running through the T.

It's definitely something you won't forget.

Wear sunglasses so u can creep on the co-eds without getting caught.

It will be a long day so make sure your kids don't get tired.

Oh and drop a deuce before you leave in the morning. Don't want to have to use a porta potty.
Awesome.Conrgats Vol brother. I'm lucky to be given tickets to the "wash our clothes together" game.i'm with you in spirit.GBO
I will never forget my first one. It was last years Tennessee-Mizzou game with 4 OT's. It was a good loss, since it was Dooleys cherry on top.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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You better keep that woman. Hope you and your sons have a great time. I still remember my sons eyes were as big as saucers when they ran through the "T". Made a lifelong vol fan that day. GO BIG ORANGE
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