Biden’s Unlimited Resettlement: 74K Afghans Sent to American Communities

The U.S. should only let in immigrants (unless for temporary migrant farm workers) that can 100 percent take care of themselves without needing a dime from the federal government. No assistance. The last thing we need is more leaches.
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We should not have botched the operation but we did, royally. There's no emotional appeal, just practicalities.
On that we’ll agree with. And I stated before in the original thread we shouldn’t strand them. But if the idiot in chief is inserting them into communities where they reform as their own enclave and are a significant portion of the local population (the original post link said “small towns” which is very subjective) then it’s gonna blow up. That isn’t xenophobic that’s just respecting the local residents as well as the resettled people. As hog already alluded to mass resettled Somalis was and is an ongoing disaster.
So bringing in a “working caste” while we provide support for our lazy ass useless citizens is a valid approach? What are we Saudi Arabia now?

How do you think America has always worked? It's been progressing over time, which is allowed by our wealth.
How do you think America has always worked? We are the melting pot. You've heard that before, right?
There was no expectation of the immigrants coming in because the natives were worthless pieces of 💩 and wouldn’t participate in the work force during those melting pot halcyon days. Let’s put our useless citizens to work first and then backfill as needed.
There was no expectation of the immigrants coming in because the natives were worthless pieces of 💩 and wouldn’t participate in the work force during those melting pot halcyon days. Let’s put our useless citizens to work first and then backfill as needed.

Nah. Let’s have our federal government choose people from the around the globe to bring here. Nothing could go wrong.

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I just hope they’re heavily vetted.

From the same FBI that:
1 Ignored the violent social media history of the female San Bernardino shooter
2 Ignored 9 tip complaints about the Parkland shooter
3 Ignored dozens of complaints about Larry Nasser
……..they’re only interested in framing Trump, murdering non violent separatists and whatever the **** happened in Bubba Wallace’s garage.
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From the same FBI that:
1 Ignored the violent social media history of the female San Bernardino shooter
2 Ignored 9 tip complaints about the Parkland shooter
3 Ignored dozens of complaints about Larry Nasser
……..they’re only interested in framing Trump, murdering non violent separatists and whatever the **** happened in Bubba Wallace’s garage.
It's as if they may want something to happen, only in this f'd up America.
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It's as if they may want something to happen, only in this f'd up America.

They do want something to happen. Look at the litany of surveillance abuses after 9/11. They dropped the ball on the San Bernardino shooters social media, and then had the stones to try and force Apple to write a back door into her husbands phone. It’s galling.
Defense Dept: Biden Brought Unvetted Afghans to U.S., Many Flagged with ‘Security Concerns’ Cannot Be Located

An explosive report conducted by the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Inspector General reveals that President Joe Biden’s administration brought dozens of Afghans to the United States without properly vetting them and many of whom deemed “significant security concerns” have since gone missing.

The report, released late last week, exposes massive holes in Biden’s unlimited resettlement of Afghans to American communities — the largest in U.S. history — such as a lack of vetting through the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) database.

Specifically, the report details how Biden’s “agencies did not use all available data when vetting Afghan evacuees” and therefore, the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) discovered “Afghans with derogatory information … who were believed to be in the U.S.”

Now, those unvetted Afghans with possible terrorism ties have gone missing inside the nation’s interior, the DOD report states:
Virginia sheriff Furious over surprise Biden plan to Fly in Thousands of Afghans


A Northern Virginia sheriff is furious with the Biden administration for springing plans on him to fly thousands more Afghan nationals into his county in an operation set to begin Saturday.

On Thursday, Loudoun County Sheriff Michael Chapman disclosed that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and his staff have repeatedly ignored his concerns about the government's plan to bring thousands of Afghans into his region. The Biden administration failed to provide assurances that the community will not be endangered by the forthcoming six-month operation.

This new operation comes two months after the Washington Examiner reported that virtually none of the 82,000 people airlifted from Kabul last August were vetted before being admitted to the United States despite claims to the contrary from the Biden administration. It is not clear if or how DHS has screened and vetted the thousands to be flown in this year.

Virginia sheriff furious over surprise Biden plan to fly in thousands of Afghans
I wish bus loads would be dropped off in the neighborhoods of all you guys that think this is so great
I'd be curious where Afghans are being relocated to, and if Dems might be using them to try and turn red states more blue?
True, but we’ve had a serious labor shortage for almost 2 years and a record number of “refugees” incoming, has it aided said shortage ? Not a damn bit so far.
In non e-verify states it has. The best staffed restaurants in my company, and we are nationwide, are non e-verify states. And it's not even close.

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