Biden 1st News Conference

Look, I can understand why the media isn't running with it, especially now that he's in power.

Just imagine the panic that would ensue if they announced he had the initial stages of dementia. Not only in this country, but the ramifications would be felt around the world. Not only that, but it's going to open them up to all sorts of pointed questions going back to the election like "when did he first start showing symptoms?"

The media loves conflict, but I can flat guarantee you the upheaval that will happen when it's announced will not be good for anone especially since they are complicit in the cover up. Not only that, but the international response will not be pretty since it will be found out the Democrats knowingly ran a person with mental issues.

This is the kind of thing that causes a collapse.

Extremely unrealistic.
1. No, you don't have a clue.
2. It doesn't matter what stage a person is in when they have a disease...they have a disease.

You dont have to be a doctor to know the signs:

Dementia Signs and Symptoms
People with dementia have problems with thinking and remembering that affect their ability to manage their daily life. These are some signs to watch for:

  • Short-term memory problems, like forgetting where you put something or asking the same question over and over
  • Communication problems like not being able to come up with a word
  • Getting lost
  • Trouble with complex but familiar tasks, like fixing a meal or paying bills
  • Personality changes, like depression, agitation, paranoia, and mood swings
Notice how every one of the signs on this not all inclusive list Biden displayed at his presser?...
Someone posted this on Twitter a few days ago
Biden could wrap his own Christmas presents and then be surprised Christmas morning when he unwrapped them.
Next it will be a coloring book

Is Crayola still in business? You know they are/were racist because "FLESH" was a very creamy color and they included "WHITE" in the sets I always had. Certainly most of my generation and probably others are due reparations from Crayola for making us racist.
1. No, you don't have a clue.
2. It doesn't matter what stage a person is in when they have a disease...they have a disease.

You dont have to be a doctor to know the signs:

Dementia Signs and Symptoms
People with dementia have problems with thinking and remembering that affect their ability to manage their daily life. These are some signs to watch for:

  • Short-term memory problems, like forgetting where you put something or asking the same question over and over
  • Communication problems like not being able to come up with a word
  • Getting lost
  • Trouble with complex but familiar tasks, like fixing a meal or paying bills
  • Personality changes, like depression, agitation, paranoia, and mood swings
Notice how every one of the signs on this not all inclusive list Biden displayed at his presser?...
I notice that you don’t know the man personally and haven’t spent any time around him, so have no way of judging any of this.
No way you watched for any other purpose than finding something wrong.
I don't know if he has dementia or if it's just his age, but how do you watch Joe and not see something isn't quite right. I'm not a doctor, so I won't offer up a diagnosis, but it doesn't take a doctor to see he's struggling at times. If you don't see it, it's because you choose not to see it.
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