Biden Admin Resumes Oil Leases on Federal Lands

Ironic, right before midterms. It’s too late, majority of Americans are sick of the BS.

Yea , he doesn’t have a move left in the bag to fix the economy by November.

He’ll cancel student debt, so what, he had those voters anyway. It will piss off just as many of those that paid theirs off.
Yea , he doesn’t have a move left in the bag to fix the economy by November.

He’ll cancel student debt, so what, he had those voters anyway. It will piss off just as many of those that paid theirs off.

Wouldn't that effectively destroy the whole student loan program going forward?
Yeah, but six months is a lot longer than the average American short term memory. Obama used to put the bad news out on Friday afternoons knowing it would all be forgotten by Monday morning.

Too way you let a contract today and operational in a few months. I say that with certainty as when I was in Houston, oil rigs used compressors. That one little component of a rig is 25 or so weeks delivery. I tell u man, if you want to start a project today of almost any decent size, you better plan on 12 months minimum for start up.

Of course somebody so disconnected like Joe or DC has no ****ing clue.
It will be 6 months before they can get equipment to start up new

I really wonder if that's the honest story. Without doubt, getting new hardware is difficult ... if that's actually the issue. However, if you've watched a few episodes of this gas price game in the past, it always goes the same way. When consumers really get irate, miracles seem to fall from the heavens, oil suddenly pours out of the ground, and gas prices drop. That tells me that producers do play games with supply until they start feeling a little too much heat. The interesting thing is whether we'll see that the feds are backing off on the death of fossil fuels and petie's new fuel economy standard goes in the dumpster, or if policies just quietly fade away. I think this amounted to a strike until .gov got real and agreed that their nazi anti oil stance had to go away.
I really wonder if that's the honest story. Without doubt, getting new hardware is difficult ... if that's actually the issue. However, if you've watched a few episodes of this gas price game in the past, it always goes the same way. When consumers really get irate, miracles seem to fall from the heavens, oil suddenly pours out of the ground, and gas prices drop. That tells me that producers do play games with supply until they start feeling a little too much heat. The interesting thing is whether we'll see that the feds are backing off on the death of fossil fuels and petie's new fuel economy standard goes in the dumpster, or if policies just quietly fade away. I think this amounted to a strike until .gov got real and agreed that their nazi anti oil stance had to go away.

One of my best customers, tiny little outfit that buys multi stage centrifugal pumps as OEM for wastewater, told me today his son is at Norfolk. This customer uses SS for the WW containment systems.
Some cruiser is in need of certain thickness SS for the ship skin and was told like 1 year. Even the USN cannot overcome what the marketplace can produce and some Admiral was livid as he needed deployment.

But part of my job really talking to people that are in the productive world and how it has impacted their livelihoods. Heck I use it as a a "we are on the same side" relationship builder all the time. The ole never talk about politics in sales...they went the way of the dodo bird.
One of my best customers, tiny little outfit that buys multi stage centrifugal pumps as OEM for wastewater, told me today his son is at Norfolk. This customer uses SS for the WW containment systems.
Some cruiser is in need of certain thickness SS for the ship skin and was told like 1 year. Even the USN cannot overcome what the marketplace can produce and some Admiral was livid as he needed deployment.

But part of my job really talking to people that are in the productive world and how it has impacted their livelihoods. Heck I use it as a a "we are on the same side" relationship builder all the time. The ole never talk about politics in sales...they went the way of the dodo bird.

We absolutely have to get manufacturing back in this country and get the supply chain under control. I wasn't questioning the equipment supply issue for new wells and production as much as whether the oil producers simply reduced what they can already pump until the biden administration backed down on the stupidity. The oil industry is correct in not sticking it's neck out on new production when the idiots in DC are trying to end oil use, and that's even assuming that investors are willing to supply capital to work with and producers even have the necessary permits to drill and pump.
We absolutely have to get manufacturing back in this country and get the supply chain under control. I wasn't questioning the equipment supply issue for new wells and production as much as whether the oil producers simply reduced what they can already pump until the biden administration backed down on the stupidity. The oil industry is correct in not sticking it's neck out on new production when the idiots in DC are trying to end oil use, and that's even assuming that investors are willing to supply capital to work with and producers even have the necessary permits to drill and pump.

I have two product lines that typically are about as self sufficient as one can get with their own casting operations. Heck I will tell you, Travaini centrifugal pumps in Canada, which this WW company uses, and Viking PD pumps in Iowa. Both with maybe 1-6 week lead-times. Of course drives and motors and such add, and even SS may be an issue but not massively, but they are still respectable lead-times.
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WASHINGTON—The Biden administration announced lease sales for oil and gas drilling on federal land Friday, but said it would sharply reduce the acreage available for leases and charge higher royalties on the oil and gas produced.
The Interior Department said it would make roughly 144,000 acres available for oil and gas drilling through a series of lease sales, an 80% reduction from the footprint of land that had been under evaluation for leasing.

WASHINGTON—The Biden administration announced lease sales for oil and gas drilling on federal land Friday, but said it would sharply reduce the acreage available for leases and charge higher royalties on the oil and gas produced.
The Interior Department said it would make roughly 144,000 acres available for oil and gas drilling through a series of lease sales, an 80% reduction from the footprint of land that had been under evaluation for leasing.

I wouldn't do **** if I was a company. Just to watch them shut it down again in months, Remember, Biden said as such on the campaign trail.

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