Biden Admin Resumes Oil Leases on Federal Lands

It's not to say that they never need to - it's that they don't "drill" because of the outrage of public opinion on "high" gas prices.

The allegiances of the oil companies and their production needs is moved my their investors and stock prices, not public butthurt. They do what's best for them, not you.

That's my reason for saying the investment markets need to be tamed. They are the tail shaking the dog to pieces; with the need to stash retirement money somewhere and zip for interest rates, the whole investment world is turned upside down and nothing is working as planned. We need long term planning and investors just want short term profits, and it's only headed one way, and the death spiral is only getting steeper and deeper. In a rational world companies would be driven by selling products and responding to customer demand and need; investment markets feeding the short term profits that corporate execs love have nuked that.
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The Biden and Co green plan is something like Pootin's Ukrainian plan with less thought than Pootin put into his little debacle. A neighbor asked a couple of days ago if I ever thought about an electric car, and I told him no. I explained that there are good parts ... if you don't plan trips, etc. Afterwards it dawned on me that our green plans and electric vehicles are like building cars but having no roads. I guess it's what has always driven me nuts as an engineer when marketing and management have bright ideas to implement and no clue what's involved, and the green nitwits aren't even that realistic. They want to dump Plan A and aren't even close to having a Plan B.

Not to mention all the plastics and vast amount of products containing petroleum, last time I looked asphalt contains oil. Puddinhead should been called to the carpet when he made such a proclamation to shut down the oil industry.
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It's not to say that they never need to - it's that they don't "drill" because of the outrage of public opinion on "high" gas prices.

The allegiances of the oil companies and their production needs is moved my their investors and stock prices, not public butthurt. They do what's best for them, not you.
Of course they do what’s best for them. I do believe they would CHOOSE to do more right now with a friendlier administration.

The Democrats have been waging a global jihad against Big Oil for 50 years.

They ain’t gonna lift a finger to help these people. Can’t say I blame em.
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Thata a bit of a slanted take. At least as presented.

You are paying 50% more on royalties, is that the only cost they pay to the feds? If there are other fees, and let's face it the feds love them some fees, your gross payment likely isnt going up 50%. Still going up, but not 50% I would imagine.

Also you arent getting 80% less for your 50% more. Putting aside the first issue, you arent getting less for more. You are getting whatever you are getting out of a smaller bucket. If you want 100 acres, you CAN still get 100 acres, and you will only pay that 50% more. You will just have fewer chances to get your 100 acres.

Still bad by the government, but not as bad as the oil and gas barons want you to think it is.
Thata a bit of a slanted take. At least as presented.

You are paying 50% more on royalties, is that the only cost they pay to the feds? If there are other fees, and let's face it the feds love them some fees, your gross payment likely isnt going up 50%. Still going up, but not 50% I would imagine.

Also you arent getting 80% less for your 50% more. Putting aside the first issue, you arent getting less for more. You are getting whatever you are getting out of a smaller bucket. If you want 100 acres, you CAN still get 100 acres, and you will only pay that 50% more. You will just have fewer chances to get your 100 acres.

Still bad by the government, but not as bad as the oil and gas barons want you to think it is.

I'll take your word for it, but I'm also very distrusting of the government...
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I'll take your word for it, but I'm also very distrusting of the government...
I dont trust anyone who makes more money than I do.

Especially when they come out with some "woe is me" content
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Of course they do what’s best for them. I do believe they would CHOOSE to do more right now with a friendlier administration.

The Democrats have been waging a global jihad against Big Oil for 50 years.

They ain’t gonna lift a finger to help these people. Can’t say I blame em.

The investments have very long ROI horizons. This administration has through words and action demonstrated that oil production will be deterred via Federal action. It's nuts to make long-term investments in this environment - could be argued it violates fiduciary duty to the share holders.
The investments have very long ROI horizons. This administration has through words and action demonstrated that oil production will be deterred via Federal action. It's nuts to make long-term investments in this environment - could be argued it violates fiduciary duty to the share holders.
I agree. Backs up my point.
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The investments have very long ROI horizons. This administration has through words and action demonstrated that oil production will be deterred via Federal action. It's nuts to make long-term investments in this environment - could be argued it violates fiduciary duty to the share holders.

I think I recall much further back some stuff about banks refusing to make loans to the oil industry because parts of government were doing some arm twisting - that supporting oil would be selling out the government's plans for a "cleaner future".
Oil Companies could help…. If they wanted to. Without really doing anything, or investing a dime.

“We have heard the calls for help, and are now working with the administration to bring increased output online as quickly and painlessly as possible.”

That would only help in the court of public opinion.

Anybody think Big Oil is currently thinking about ways to assist the Democrats with the crisis at hand?
I think I recall much further back some stuff about banks refusing to make loans to the oil industry because parts of government were doing some arm twisting - that supporting oil would be selling out the government's plans for a "cleaner future".

One of Biden's Fed nominees had advocated for banks to not loan to oil and gas companies.
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And now this. The Biden administration strikes again ... but they aren't the problem.

But don’t worry. All these new hurdles to clear are actually going to speed up the process -

Patching these holes in the environmental review process will help projects get built faster, be more resilient, and provide greater benefits — to people who live nearby,” Brenda Mallory, chair of the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality, said in a statement.
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