Biden Admin Resumes Oil Leases on Federal Lands

That part I would enjoy.

But the moratorium and any future forgiveness are wrong.

I have visions of all sorts of defaults happening,.

Man..sorry but I am as gloomy as ever and discounting any ideology emotions of culture and such.

This nation's ability to function economically is at the precipice.
That part I would enjoy.

But the moratorium and any future forgiveness are wrong.
Sure they are. But to me, it's not even an "evil" if it absolutely pummels the waste we see at universities, even at places like Tennessee. Just look at all the insane fixed assets they build and afford, the administrative bloat, the useless majors that in large part are what are destroying our country now. Blow up the cash cow and you'll have all kinds of universities- big state ones too- going bust because they can't afford what they've built without those big federal subsidies. It would be beautiful and better in the long term.
Meh, don't underestimate the egg timer attention span of the sheeple.
I think there's a lot more waking up to this stuff going on than ever before. The shady crap around the election was just the start, then all the easily provable lies about COVID and the vax, and Biden's enormous and endless failures...and even normal people are feeling it in their pockets on this stuff.
Sure they are. But to me, it's not even an "evil" if it absolutely pummels the waste we see at universities, even at places like Tennessee. Just look at all the insane fixed assets they build and afford, the administrative bloat, the useless majors that in large part are what are destroying our country now. Blow up the cash cow and you'll have all kinds of universities- big state ones too- going bust because they can't afford what they've built without those big federal subsidies. It would be beautiful and better in the long term.

That is all correct. I live about 2 miles from that campus. Have for a decade. It is a nonstop construction project, which I have always considered utter ********. We long ago stopped making our education system earn what they want.
Too way you let a contract today and operational in a few months. I say that with certainty as when I was in Houston, oil rigs used compressors. That one little component of a rig is 25 or so weeks delivery. I tell u man, if you want to start a project today of almost any decent size, you better plan on 12 months minimum for start up.

Of course somebody so disconnected like Joe or DC has no ****ing clue.
If you can stroke a pen, you can make anything happen.
That is all correct. I live about 2 miles from that campus. Have for a decade. It is a nonstop construction project, which I have always considered utter ********. We long ago stopped making our education system earn what they want.

Just think..COVID showed a way forward to amass unreal productivity gains. Why drive to university everyday as a young adult when one can be learned online class with the best teachers in the world. I really believe it.
No need for all this expensive brick and mortar and empire look.

I mentioned several times about UTC and their new (well then) library that was nothing but a study hall to plug your iPad into and catch a cup of Joe at Starbucks.
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I'd hope so because giving kids money for things like transgender studies or Argentinian history is a travesty, knowing they can never get a job and pay the money back.
Actually, if the ultimate goal is to never pay back the money they owe, they can learn a great deal from studying Argentinian history.
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Will oil companies rush back in?
I don't see it. Lease to permit can take years and for what, 20% of the lease applications submitted? Leases have to stay well ahead of permits and need to be continuously approved. Not all leases result in permits and not all permits result in recoverable oil/gas. This is a shell game for public consumption.
Do US companies actually profit much, or do they just drive the price down for everyone?
Yea , he doesn’t have a move left in the bag to fix the economy by November.

He’ll cancel student debt, so what, he had those voters anyway. It will piss off just as many of those that paid theirs off.
What is the estimated price tag to get that done?

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