Biden Administration Targets Removal of Most Nicotine From Cigarettes

Smoking is down 40% in the last 15 years. Do you think that's because so many people have wised up, or so many smoking boomers have shuffled off the coil? The current smoking rate among young people is 7%. Smoking is a health crisis for the boomers, I don't see how reducing nicotine is going to save any lifelong smokers at this point. Meanwhile we are closing in on 100k overdose deaths a year, primarily among very young people. Compared to how many millions of years of life are lost to that versus Uncle Frank dying of emphysema at 78 it's a much more pressing problem for our country.
You do you brother , smoking and drinking are two things you won’t have to worry about the left using other countries as examples of things we should be more like them at . 3 things all countries run on .. Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol .
Actually, a large part of the Middle East totally does without alcohol
Is that like southern baptists doing without alcohol or Tibetan monks doing without alcohol ? 👀

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When my FIL was in Saudi Arabia he said they really frowned on alcohol, but you would see guys slamming drinks on approach to the airport since somehow being in the air didn't count. Also he said smokes were less than a dollar a pack so every expat who was an ex smoker picked it up again real quick.
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I know, I'm not a very smart person. LOL.

So, reduce the amount of the addictive chemical in a product, while leaving the several cancer- causing chemicals alone. . .

It would lead a simpleton as myself to conclude that it could actually cause those addicted to consume MORE of the dangerous agents, just to satisfy the addiction, leading to an increase in cancer.

There are so many better options... Education, meds that curb nicotine dependence, nicotine patches/gum/losenges/pouches that can be weaned.

This admin is just stupid beyond understanding.
I know, I'm not a very smart person. LOL.

So, reduce the amount of the addictive chemical in a product, while leaving the several cancer- causing chemicals alone. . .

It would lead a simpleton as myself to conclude that it could actually cause those addicted to consume MORE of the dangerous agents, just to satisfy the addiction, leading to an increase in cancer.

There are so many better options... Education, meds that curb nicotine dependence, nicotine patches/gum/losenges/pouches that can be weaned.

This admin is just stupid beyond understanding.
I’m with ya brother.

A practical application from personal experience, that another poster had alluded to. Sometimes I buy Basil Hayden. It’s 80 proof. Nice light whiskey for a hot summer day. Sometimes I buy Rarebreed or a high dollar bourbon that’s over 120 proof. Guess what goes down easier and doesn’t last near as long?

Smokers, like whiskey sippers such as myself, are looking for satisfaction. Reducing the nicotine will only ensure they smoke more to gain such satisfaction. Thus inhaling more of the cancer causing chemicals you mentioned.

Maybe instead of investing time, money and resources into reducing the nicotine in our cigs, they should invest in reducing the burden this non-bike riding, barely coherent, embarrassment of a President is placing on the citizens he was sworn to serve.
This will kill a lot of small farms. Tobacco is one of the best cash crops a small family farm can plant.

I really hope they tie a federal cannabis decriminalize bill to it. That would at least replace the crop with something better or worse.
Here's a thought and I'm just spitballin' here... How 'Bout we reduce the amount of fentanyl pouring across our southern border and killing 100k a year?
Actually, the best thing the Democrats could do to make the country healthier, wealthier, and saner would be to simply ban themselves from political office 😂
Nicotine is responsible for cancer? Figured the other 60 chemicals are carcinogenic.

Exactly. My aunt and grandad used to have a small allotment of tobacco growing credit. My aunt always said pure tobacco was harmless, it was all the stuff thye put in it. THey all lived into their upper 80's and mid-90's. But, they didn't use tobacco. So, I can't prove it did no harm.

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