Biden Cabinet Positions

You don't actually think that the splinters that voted in the presidential election will come out and support the democratic nominee do you? I think it will be the exact opposite.
Normally, I’d agree with you, but the prospect of winning back the Senate could bring in insane amounts of outside money and mail in voting makes turnout impossible to gauge.
Normally, I’d agree with you, but the prospect of winning back the Senate could bring in insane amounts of outside money and mail in voting makes turnout impossible to gauge.

You live in ga.

I thought a run off was absentee or in person only?
Normally, I’d agree with you, but the prospect of winning back the Senate could bring in insane amounts of outside money and mail in voting makes turnout impossible to gauge.

Why does always this seem to be a common theme with people that vote democrat?
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Normally, I’d agree with you, but the prospect of winning back the Senate could bring in insane amounts of outside money and mail in voting makes turnout impossible to gauge.

I heard Karl Rove yesterday talking about accepting a role to work on the republican campaigns for the runoff. I would imagine the democrats are pooling their resources too. We're never getting rid of political ads in GA.
I heard Karl Rove yesterday talking about accepting a role to work on the republican campaigns for the runoff. I would imagine the democrats are pooling their resources too. We're never getting rid of political ads in GA.
Let’s just hope they let the Lincoln Project run the ad campaign they had such a stellar result in the general election on all of their Congressional races 😂
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It really won't matter to me who Biden selects for his cabinet, but it'll probably be a tell as to how his administration is going to treat middle America. If he wants a war, all he has to do is go all liberal and push a progressive agenda.
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Who is he planning to put in? All I’ve heard solidly was Coons for SoS. I know Warren was up for one too.
Flournoy is a lock for SecDef. In all likelihood Susan Rice will be the SoS. Pete is going to get something. Jeh Johnson isn’t being mentioned a lot which I find a bit surprising. He would be a quality addition to the cabinet.
Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard


Kevin Daley - JANUARY 12, 2021 5:23 PM

Kristen Clarke, President-elect Joe Biden's pick to lead the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, advanced pseudoscientific theories of black racial superiority and organized an event with a notorious anti-Semite as a student at Harvard University.

Clarke and a coauthor outlined "the genetic differences between Blacks and whites" in a 1994 letter to the editors of Harvard's student newspaper, which criticized the political scientist Charles Murray's book The Bell Curve. The genetic difference they identify, varying levels of melanin between whites and blacks, accounts for disparate cognitive abilities, physical power, and even spirituality, the pair said. The so-called melanin theory has no basis in science.

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities—something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards," they wrote.

Clarke's remarks will ignite a white-hot confirmation battle in the Senate at a time of heightened racial tension. Though the incendiary statements are more than 25 years old, several of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees were grilled over comparatively tamer items they wrote as college students, prompting public apologies and even a withdrawal. If confirmed, Clarke would shape federal litigation strategies and lead enforcement of the nation's civil-rights statutes. Tucker Carlson Tonight was the first to report on her writings.

Clarke also came in for criticism from Jewish students after she invited the anti-Semitic academic Tony Martin to campus in her capacity as president of the Black Students Association. Martin, then a professor of Africana studies at Wellesley College, promoted false theories implicating a Jewish cabal in the global slave trade and self-published a book called The Jewish Onslaught just one year before visiting Harvard at Clarke's request. A majority of Martin's faculty colleagues condemned the book as anti-Semitic, according to a 2001 column in the Boston Globe.

Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard - Washington Free Beacon
Before Becoming Boston’s Mayor, Biden’s Labor Pick Was Embroiled in Union Extortion Scandal

Marty Walsh's subordinates convicted of conspiracy, accepting bribes

Collin Anderson - JANUARY 12, 2021 2:20 PM

President-elect Joe Biden's pick for labor secretary was once caught on a wiretap admitting that he threatened a development company for refusing to use union workers.

Biden chose Boston mayor Marty Walsh (D.) to lead the Department of Labor, praising the longtime union ally as a "good friend" and "stand up guy" in a Friday announcement. As head of Boston's Building and Construction Trades Council, however, Walsh was ensnared in a federal probe alleging strong-arm tactics by union leaders.

Federal agents captured Walsh on tape candidly discussing strong-arm tactics with a fellow local labor leader in October 2012. The Boston Democrat recalled threatening development company AvalonBay with "permitting problems" on an upcoming project should it fail to hire union laborers, according to a 2016 Boston Globe report. A second Boston developer, Michael Rauseo, accused Walsh of employing similar tactics during a meeting held just months later. Rauseo told the Globe that, in December 2012, Walsh "demanded" that he rescind contracts issued to non-union contractors for an upcoming apartment project.

Before Becoming Boston's Mayor, Biden's Labor Pick Was Embroiled in Union Extortion Scandal - Washington Free Beacon
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Biden Nominates Former Obama Official, Unmasker Samantha Power as USAID Administrator


President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday he was nominating Samantha Power, a former Obama administration official and key unmasker of Trump campaign staffers, to a top position in his incoming administration.

“Ambassador Samantha Power is a world-renowned voice of conscience and moral clarity — challenging and rallying the international community to stand up for the dignity and humanity of all people,” Biden said in a statement. “As USAID Administrator, she’ll be a powerful force for principled American engagement.”

Power served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the Obama administration. During her tenure, she disagreed with former President Barack Obama’s decision to not act to enforce his own red line against chemical weapons attacks on its own people.

As the Guardian reported: “Power argued for action but ended up on the losing side, drawing accusations of betrayal and hypocrisy from many former supporters and colleagues.”

However, as the Guardian reported, she decided against stepping down, feeling that she could “still achieve results by continually pushing for human rights to be central in foreign policymaking

Power was also revealed to be one of the unmaskers of Trump campaign aides — requesting the intelligence community reveal names of U.S. persons swept up in surveillance of foreign targets.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Power denied unmasking people, but documents released last year showed that she unmasked former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn five times in 2016 and one time in 2017.

Biden Nominates Unmasker Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
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Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard


Kevin Daley - JANUARY 12, 2021 5:23 PM

Kristen Clarke, President-elect Joe Biden's pick to lead the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, advanced pseudoscientific theories of black racial superiority and organized an event with a notorious anti-Semite as a student at Harvard University.

Clarke and a coauthor outlined "the genetic differences between Blacks and whites" in a 1994 letter to the editors of Harvard's student newspaper, which criticized the political scientist Charles Murray's book The Bell Curve. The genetic difference they identify, varying levels of melanin between whites and blacks, accounts for disparate cognitive abilities, physical power, and even spirituality, the pair said. The so-called melanin theory has no basis in science.

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities—something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards," they wrote.

Clarke's remarks will ignite a white-hot confirmation battle in the Senate at a time of heightened racial tension. Though the incendiary statements are more than 25 years old, several of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees were grilled over comparatively tamer items they wrote as college students, prompting public apologies and even a withdrawal. If confirmed, Clarke would shape federal litigation strategies and lead enforcement of the nation's civil-rights statutes. Tucker Carlson Tonight was the first to report on her writings.

Clarke also came in for criticism from Jewish students after she invited the anti-Semitic academic Tony Martin to campus in her capacity as president of the Black Students Association. Martin, then a professor of Africana studies at Wellesley College, promoted false theories implicating a Jewish cabal in the global slave trade and self-published a book called The Jewish Onslaught just one year before visiting Harvard at Clarke's request. A majority of Martin's faculty colleagues condemned the book as anti-Semitic, according to a 2001 column in the Boston Globe.

Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard - Washington Free Beacon
kool slojoe puts one of the biggest racists in the USA in charge of civil rights lol
Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard


Kevin Daley - JANUARY 12, 2021 5:23 PM

Kristen Clarke, President-elect Joe Biden's pick to lead the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, advanced pseudoscientific theories of black racial superiority and organized an event with a notorious anti-Semite as a student at Harvard University.

Clarke and a coauthor outlined "the genetic differences between Blacks and whites" in a 1994 letter to the editors of Harvard's student newspaper, which criticized the political scientist Charles Murray's book The Bell Curve. The genetic difference they identify, varying levels of melanin between whites and blacks, accounts for disparate cognitive abilities, physical power, and even spirituality, the pair said. The so-called melanin theory has no basis in science.

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities—something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards," they wrote.

Clarke's remarks will ignite a white-hot confirmation battle in the Senate at a time of heightened racial tension. Though the incendiary statements are more than 25 years old, several of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees were grilled over comparatively tamer items they wrote as college students, prompting public apologies and even a withdrawal. If confirmed, Clarke would shape federal litigation strategies and lead enforcement of the nation's civil-rights statutes. Tucker Carlson Tonight was the first to report on her writings.

Clarke also came in for criticism from Jewish students after she invited the anti-Semitic academic Tony Martin to campus in her capacity as president of the Black Students Association. Martin, then a professor of Africana studies at Wellesley College, promoted false theories implicating a Jewish cabal in the global slave trade and self-published a book called The Jewish Onslaught just one year before visiting Harvard at Clarke's request. A majority of Martin's faculty colleagues condemned the book as anti-Semitic, according to a 2001 column in the Boston Globe.

Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard - Washington Free Beacon
The dumba$$ dementia patient believes in diversity over merit.
Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard


Kevin Daley - JANUARY 12, 2021 5:23 PM

Kristen Clarke, President-elect Joe Biden's pick to lead the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, advanced pseudoscientific theories of black racial superiority and organized an event with a notorious anti-Semite as a student at Harvard University.

Clarke and a coauthor outlined "the genetic differences between Blacks and whites" in a 1994 letter to the editors of Harvard's student newspaper, which criticized the political scientist Charles Murray's book The Bell Curve. The genetic difference they identify, varying levels of melanin between whites and blacks, accounts for disparate cognitive abilities, physical power, and even spirituality, the pair said. The so-called melanin theory has no basis in science.

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities—something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards," they wrote.

Clarke's remarks will ignite a white-hot confirmation battle in the Senate at a time of heightened racial tension. Though the incendiary statements are more than 25 years old, several of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees were grilled over comparatively tamer items they wrote as college students, prompting public apologies and even a withdrawal. If confirmed, Clarke would shape federal litigation strategies and lead enforcement of the nation's civil-rights statutes. Tucker Carlson Tonight was the first to report on her writings.

Clarke also came in for criticism from Jewish students after she invited the anti-Semitic academic Tony Martin to campus in her capacity as president of the Black Students Association. Martin, then a professor of Africana studies at Wellesley College, promoted false theories implicating a Jewish cabal in the global slave trade and self-published a book called The Jewish Onslaught just one year before visiting Harvard at Clarke's request. A majority of Martin's faculty colleagues condemned the book as anti-Semitic, according to a 2001 column in the Boston Globe.

Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard - Washington Free Beacon
BLM told the campaign they wanted paid for their support, this is a start
Biden to tap unsuccessful South Carolina Senate candidate Jaime Harrison to lead DNC

by Naomi Lim, Political Reporter |

| January 14, 2021 12:31 PM

Jaime Harrison may have failed to unseat South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, but he's President-elect Joe Biden's reported pick to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Harrison will likely lead the Democrats' push to keep both the House and Senate after the 2022 elections. The party underperformed this cycle down-ballot.

While Harrison has long been favored by Biden for the role, thanks in part to House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn's endorsement, he will still need to win a rank-and-file member vote this month.

Harrison is a DNC associate chair and senior counselor. He's also a former chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party.

Biden's choice of Harrison to replace outgoing DNC Chairman Tom Perez, who isn't seeking reelection, comes after the organization rebuilt following former President Barack Obama's administration. The effort was boosted by President Trump, who united the so-called "big tent" party against him. Obama had leaned on his outside group, instead of relying on the official Democratic structure.

Another challenge Harrison will likely face is planning for the 2024 presidential primaries, provided Biden doesn't want another term. Democrats are still trying to address how they'll improve on last year's disastrous Iowa caucuses, which were plagued with technological glitches.

Biden to tap unsuccessful South Carolina Senate candidate Jaime Harrison to lead DNC
Biden Labor Secretary Pick Funneled $1.2 Million Into Girlfriend’s Consulting Firm


Joe Schoffstall - JANUARY 14, 2021 7:10 PM

Boston mayor Marty Walsh (D.), President-elect Joe Biden's pick for labor secretary, funneled nearly $1.2 million into a consulting firm that employs his longtime girlfriend.

Walsh's mayoral campaign pushed the payments to LB Strategies, where his live-in girlfriend, Lorrie Higgins, works as a fundraising consultant. The firm received the cash through a contract that allows it to compensate its employees with the money.

From 2013 to March 2019, Walsh's campaign sent a total of $888,750 to the firm, the Boston Globe reported. A review of state campaign finance records shows that since the time of the Globe's 2019 report and December 2020, LB Strategies received an additional $280,100 for fundraising consulting work, bringing its total windfall to more than $1.16 million.

Biden Labor Secretary Pick Funneled $1.2 Million Into Girlfriend's Consulting Firm - Washington Free Beacon
Joe Biden Nominates Gretchen Whitmer as DNC Vice Chair


President-elect Joe Biden announced Thursday he nominated Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to serve as a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The DNC position would allow Whitmer to raise her profile nationally, despite Michigan still being locked down due to the coronavirus pandemic and complaints from business owners and Republicans that there is no real plan to reopen.

Joe Biden Nominates Gretchen Whitmer as DNC Vice Chair
MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle thanked by Biden adviser for 'advocacy' and 'help'

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle is being slammed as a "Democratic Party hack" after a softball interview with one of President-elect Joe Biden's advisers, who thanked her for pushing his agenda.

Jared Bernstein, whom Biden tapped to serve as a member of the Council on Economic Advisers, thanked Ruhle for her "advocacy" and "help" Friday morning when discussing the massive $1.9 trillion stimulus package proposal aimed at combating the pandemic and bolstering the sagging economy.

Rather than pressing Bernstein on any of the controversial portions of the package -- such as a federally mandated $15 minimum wage -- the NBC News senior business correspondent puffed it up as a bipartisan effort.

On "Fox & Friends" Friday, however, Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., criticized Biden's proposal as a "bailout for blue states" like New York and California, which he said did not handle the pandemic as effectively as other states.


"This isn't about D or R, it's about A -- America," Ruhle said. "There's not a lot of programs that get support from the Chamber of Commerce and [Sen.] Bernie Sanders, but that's actually what we've heard in the last 14 hours."

Closing out the segment Friday morning, the Biden adviser lauded Ruhle.

"There’s been a lot of people pulling for this," he said. "Your help has been extremely important because not only have you continued to amplify some of the things that we’re trying to do here, but you’ve been in the weeds and you’ve talked about the very policies that have been knocking around for a long time and that we finally have been able to get together and put into a plan. So I want to thank you for your advocacy as well."

MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle thanked by Biden adviser for 'advocacy' and 'help'

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