Biden Cabinet Positions

Joe Biden Nominates Gretchen Whitmer as DNC Vice Chair


President-elect Joe Biden announced Thursday he nominated Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to serve as a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The DNC position would allow Whitmer to raise her profile nationally, despite Michigan still being locked down due to the coronavirus pandemic and complaints from business owners and Republicans that there is no real plan to reopen.

Joe Biden Nominates Gretchen Whitmer as DNC Vice Chair
From the Wheaties box to the DNC!🤣😂👌
Nikki Haley: ‘Harsh reality’ is Bernie Sanders will be Budget Committee chairman

Nikki Haley said Saturday it's time to face the "harsh reality" that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will chair of the Senate Budget Committee, now that Democrats control the chamber.

"He has vowed to use his position to enact his progressive agenda on healthcare, climate, infrastructure spending, & cutting defense spending," the former U.N. ambassador tweeted, calling Sanders a "socialist."

Sanders addressed his new role this week.

"In the past, Republicans used budget reconciliation to pass massive tax breaks for the rich and large corporations with a simple majority vote," he tweeted. "As the incoming Chairman of the Budget Committee, I will fight to use the same process to boldly address the needs of working families."

"He has said he wants to slash military budgets and called for $97 trillion more in federal spending," she said of Sanders in November.

Haley also blasted President-elect Joe Biden’s plan for a nearly $2 trillion economic stimulus plan when he enters the White House next week.

Nikki Haley: ‘Harsh reality’ is Bernie Sanders will be Budget Committee chairman
Why should the dems care. I believe we’d all be surprised if the truth ever came out on which dems were involved in China. We’re all are pretty positive about 1, but I’m sure there are more.

It is the dimishishing of the nation state in the name of globalism at its highest order. Hence the MAGA pushback. Not a secret
Grenell: Susan Rice will be 'shadow president' in Biden administration

'I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely,' former acting DNI says

Former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice has been tapped to lead the White House Domestic Policy Council in the Biden administration, but former acting DNI Ric Grenell believes she could be in control of a lot more.

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely," he said on "Sunday Morning Futures." "She will be the shadow president."

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely," he said on "Sunday Morning Futures." "She will be the shadow president."

Grenell called Biden’s pick "interesting" considering Rice has no experience in domestic policy but nonetheless will be "incredibly influential" under the new administration.


Grenell: Susan Rice will be 'shadow president' in Biden administration
Grenell: Susan Rice will be 'shadow president' in Biden administration

'I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely,' former acting DNI says

Former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice has been tapped to lead the White House Domestic Policy Council in the Biden administration, but former acting DNI Ric Grenell believes she could be in control of a lot more.

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely," he said on "Sunday Morning Futures." "She will be the shadow president."

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely," he said on "Sunday Morning Futures." "She will be the shadow president."

Grenell called Biden’s pick "interesting" considering Rice has no experience in domestic policy but nonetheless will be "incredibly influential" under the new administration.


Grenell: Susan Rice will be 'shadow president' in Biden administration
Keep an eye on her... she might be next in line.

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