Biden gonna tax us to death

Well look who else uses loopholes to avoid paying millions in taxes!

President Joe Biden has a long record of telling wealthy Americans that paying more taxes is “patriotic.” Oops: He and his wife reportedly have been using a major loophole to cut their tax bills by six figures.
The Bidens’ tax returns from 2017, 2018 and 2019 show that they routed at least $13 million in income from speaking engagements and book royalties through two S-corporations, thereby avoiding Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes.

Joe Biden's 'unpatriotic' tax dodge
So I heard a blurb this morning that reinstituting the SALT deduction might be back on the agenda for the socialists. Congratulations to those of us that live in low tax states... more subsidizing of the libtard states.

Wealth redistribution.

"Terrible Message" - Bernie Blasts Top Democrats' Call To Remove Cap On SALT Deduction For The Rich | ZeroHedge

“It sends a terrible, terrible message when you have Republicans telling us that this is a tax break for the rich,” Sanders, a nominal independent who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 and 2020, said on “Axios on HBO.”

“In fairness to Schumer and Pelosi, it is hard when you have tiny margins, but you have got to make it clear which side you are on—and you can’t be on the side of the wealthy and powerful if you’re going to really fight for working families,” he added.

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My mother got audited the year my dad passed away, like within a couple of months after. I went and sat through it with her and her accountant since I was furloughed and had the time. Never met a more miserable d-bag in my life. We need to neuter this agency and move more toward a consumption tax.

BOVARD: The Coming IRS Reign Of Terror
My mother got audited the year my dad passed away, like within a couple of months after. I went and sat through it with her and her accountant since I was furloughed and had the time. Never met a more miserable d-bag in my life. We need to neuter this agency and move more toward a consumption tax.

BOVARD: The Coming IRS Reign Of Terror

Agreed. The crap they want to argue about and nitpick is amazing. It takes a special kind of azzhole to be an IRS agent.
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Well look who else uses loopholes to avoid paying millions in taxes!

President Joe Biden has a long record of telling wealthy Americans that paying more taxes is “patriotic.” Oops: He and his wife reportedly have been using a major loophole to cut their tax bills by six figures.
The Bidens’ tax returns from 2017, 2018 and 2019 show that they routed at least $13 million in income from speaking engagements and book royalties through two S-corporations, thereby avoiding Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes.

Joe Biden's 'unpatriotic' tax dodge
Yep, just saw where California (who is almost bankrupt) has a 75 billion dollar surplus this year(as a result of federal handouts) and instead of reducing their deficit they are giving $1,100 dollars each to a segment of their population. Tech and forward thinking ideas use to originate on the west coast--now I just think it is stupid that originates there.
Biden's 2022 budget or green book is expected next week on Thursday, May 27th. That may be the date when they propose the capital gains taxes increases are effective. Figures, since they will have to make some sort of retro surprise to keep the market from selling off in advance of any new law later in the year.
Biden's 2022 budget or green book is expected next week on Thursday, May 27th. That may be the date when they propose the capital gains taxes increases are effective. Figures, since they will have to make some sort of retro surprise to keep the market from selling off in advance of any new law later in the year.

They’ll have to make all the tax hikes retroactive to even come close to making the budget numbers look realistic.
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They’ll have to make all the tax hikes retroactive to even come close to making the budget numbers look realistic.

They will retro the cap gains but I don't know about the regular income tax. I agree, the budget is a steaming pile.
So apparently the Xiden administration is starting to realize that if they jack up the corporate tax rate that businesses will depart the pattern and head overseas for more favorable environs. It seems that Ireland who has a 12.5% corporate tax rate has told Xiden and Yellen to pound sand on their proposed 21%(28%?) global tax. Maybe the clue bird will come home to roost in this sham administration that trying to raid everyone's wallet will have consequences and be more detrimental than beneficial. No one saw this coming.
So apparently the Xiden administration is starting to realize that if they jack up the corporate tax rate that businesses will depart the pattern and head overseas for more favorable environs. It seems that Ireland who has a 12.5% corporate tax rate has told Xiden and Yellen to pound sand on their proposed 21%(28%?) global tax. Maybe the clue bird will come home to roost in this sham administration that trying to raid everyone's wallet will have consequences and be more detrimental than beneficial. No one saw this coming.
It's amazing how shallow the thinking is on the rob Peter to pay Paul method of economics.
Well look who else uses loopholes to avoid paying millions in taxes!

President Joe Biden has a long record of telling wealthy Americans that paying more taxes is “patriotic.” Oops: He and his wife reportedly have been using a major loophole to cut their tax bills by six figures.
The Bidens’ tax returns from 2017, 2018 and 2019 show that they routed at least $13 million in income from speaking engagements and book royalties through two S-corporations, thereby avoiding Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes.

Joe Biden's 'unpatriotic' tax dodge

LG would refer to this as tax evasion (RE Romney)
LG would refer to this as tax evasion (RE Romney)

I think these book deals are scams and siphon money from gov funding somehow thru political orgs. Who in heaven would buy a Biden or such book? Even the speaking engagements are crock.
Millions of ass.
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Cuomo demands that you shut your dirty mouth.

When I was like 7, I rode my bike down the hill to the circle and the city just patched some blacktop and left some gravel and I wiped out bad as I braked..all skinned up I ran home crying and our neighbor Mrs Mitchell was there and as they were trying to clean me up, to stop my crying Mrs Mitchell put a bar of soap in my mouth.

Never will forget that, but childhood was awesome. You are now officially my Mr. Mitchell.

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