Biden Immigration Plan

Didn’t Obama deport far more than Trump or Bush?

Yes and no - they changed the definition of what "deporting" means to count turn backs (people caught at the border who are not allowed in). They used that to tout how tough they were on immigration until their base started to believe it then they changed messaging.

Kinda like Obama used Presidential Memoranda instead of XOs to claim he wasn't exercising executive power like Bush but when you add them all up he blew Bush out of the water with Executive Power usage.

Lot's of smoke and mirror stuff
What people on the right don't understand is that our neighbors to the south are inclined to work hard, pay taxes, and support economic freedom. The right is chasing them to the left with their immigration ideas and rhetoric.

Would a Less-Nativist Republican Have Won in 2020?

possibly but to counter Trump got more of the Latino/Hispanic vote than other R administrations and it's still 2/3rds D. Open immigration to the South means more D voters than R voters.
possibly but to counter Trump got more of the Latino/Hispanic vote than other R administrations and it's still 2/3rds D. Open immigration to the South means more D voters than R voters.

"Racist" W Bush had 40% Hispanic support. Imagine what you'd get if your platform championed immigration, solved the dreamer's problem, created a clear and attainable path to citizenship, etc.
What people on the right don't understand is that our neighbors to the south are inclined to work hard, pay taxes, and support economic freedom. The right is chasing them to the left with their immigration ideas and rhetoric.

Would a Less-Nativist Republican Have Won in 2020?
No one is saying that they’re not hard working people. That said, it’s not exactly people who could get jobs at any any one of Mexico’s 30 automotive plants and their hundreds of suppliers that are illegally entering the country.
What people on the right don't understand is that our neighbors to the south are inclined to work hard, pay taxes, and support economic freedom. The right is chasing them to the left with their immigration ideas and rhetoric.

Would a Less-Nativist Republican Have Won in 2020?
I don’t really care what party they’d belong to. It shouldn’t be a consideration when making immigration policy.
Didn’t Obama deport far more than Trump or Bush?
I believe Obama deported more people than any US Prez in history. At one point (IIRC) he supported a border fence much like Trump's. One thing they may be looking at now is the low birth rate in the US.
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No, but it was BUILT upon people coming here in hopes of making a better future for themselves.

Still is and I would be you that everyone of them would tell you that there’s no guarantees, only greater opportunities.
There are millions of names in the Liberty Island archives of people who came here to make a better life for themselves and their families. What’s wrong with continuing that tradition?
Most of um dont speek Engish.
There are millions of names in the Liberty Island archives of people who came here to make a better life for themselves and their families. What’s wrong with continuing that tradition?
Some to escape the post WW1 Germany.
I should post some of the letters. They came here for opportunity and were ready to complete for it.

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