Biden Immigration Plan

"Racist" W Bush had 40% Hispanic support. Imagine what you'd get if your platform championed immigration, solved the dreamer's problem, created a clear and attainable path to citizenship, etc.
The key word is "legal" But you know that.
You've been here your whole life and people who just crossed the border have it better than you? Dang son, you're doing it all wrong...
I didn't say me, I said they will have it better than Americans that has worked all of their lives, and these people are just getting here.
Undoing human rights violating policy does not equal open borders. Thanks for yet another false dilemma.

Ah so enforcing the law is now human rights violations. Interesting. Did you feel this way when the cages were built by the Obama administration?
Which Americans then? A "friend"?

I see Americans here on the streets , under the overpasses and in the bushes that I’d bet anything they don’t have access to the same, extremely well organized organizations , or the private and political funds that immigrants do in say California.
Bringing in more immigrants hurts those the most that are on the bottom of the economic ladder. Guess who?

Wonder when the living wage crowd and the open borders crowd realize they're "on the same team" but marching different directions?
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